My Sleeping Beauty

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Long ago in a faraway land, a king and his fair queen were blessed with a beautiful baby boy.They named their son Sonic, for he filled their lives with light like the dawn.Visitors from throughout the kingdom came to celebrate the birth of the prince, including the three good fairies, who arrived with gifts.Waving their wands, Rouge gave the princess the gift of beauty, while Amy gave her the gift of song.Sally was about to bestow her gift when the evil fairy Mephiles appeared in a flash of green fire. He wanted to give the prince something, too - a terrible curse!Before the sun set on his sixteenth birthday, Sonic would prick his finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!Luckily, Sally still had a gift to give. She cast her spell to soften Mephiles curse.Now Sonic would not die when he pricked his finger. He would simply fall into a deep slumber, only to be awakened with True Love's Kiss.However, the king and his queen were still very concerned about the safety of their son.And so with heavy hearts, they agreed that the three good fairies, disguised as peasant women, would raise the child in secret far away from the castle.Over the years, the child grew into a handsome young man who made friends with all of the forest animals.His three aunties called her Maurice Rose and surrounded him with love. But they never told him the secret of his past.On the day of his sixteenth birthday, Maurice Rose still did not know that he was a prince.He spent the morning singing to his friends about how he'd had a glorious dream.In it, he'd met the most wonderful prince. Maurice Rose was convinced he was his true love.Little did Maurice Rose know, a prince was passing nearby at that moment. He was Prince Shadow, the very prince that the king and queen had planned for him to marry.Shadow didn't know that Maurice Rose was a prince either. But he was so taken with his beautiful song, he hopped off his horse.Shadow emerged from the trees, and as he and Maurice Rose sang and danced together, he realized that this man reminded his of the prince in his dreams.He felt as if he'd always known him. Maurice Rose was excited for him to meet his aunties, so he invited him to come to the cottage that evening.He knew that he was falling in love.But when Briar Rose returned to the cottage, her aunties told her that they were good fairies and she was a princess.He was supposed to return to his parents' castle that night. There he would meet the prince he was already engaged to marry.Briar Rose was overcome with sadness. He only wanted to marry the man he had just met, his dream prince.When Sonic arrived at the castle, the three fairies left him alone to mourn. But Mephiles soon appeared to make sure his curse came true.He put Sonic in a trance and led the prince to a spindle hidden high in the castle. There, Sonic pricked his finger and fell into a deep sleep.When the three fairies found Sonic, they realized that Mephiles evil curse had come true.They took the sleeping prince to the tower room and then cast a deep sleep over the whole kingdom.Now they had to find Sonic's true love from the forest so he could give him True Love's Kiss.It didn't take the three fairies long to recognize that Prince Shadow was the man Sonic had met in the forest - his betrothed was his true love! But he was in Mephiles dungeon. The fairies freed him and then armed him with the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue.Now he was prepared to fight the evil fairy and save Sonic!But the evil fairy was not easy to defeat.Back at the castle, Shadow came face-to-face with Mephiles, who had transformed him self into a giant, fire-breathing dragon.However, with the help of the three good fairies, Shadow was able to send his sword flying swift and sure.With Mephiles gone,Shadow rushed to Sonic's side and bestowed a gentle kiss upon his lips. Sonic's eyes fluttered open - the curse had been broken!When he saw his beloved, the man from the forest, he smiled. Now the prince and prince could live happily ever after.

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