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Two powerful light beams illuminated the grass in front of us; clarity caught up with us. The three of us braked.

"Put your hands up!" the blonde insisted, raising her own hands.

Disconcerted, I let go of the helmet and looked toward the lights. I half closed my eyes. A jeep had parked a short distance from us. Several individuals were getting out. I raised my hands.

"Maybe they're archeologists," Darwin ventured between gasps. Gunshots were heard. "Or maybe not..."

Not at all. The men that were approaching did not have picks or shovels. They were carrying tommy guns.

"They're drug dealers," Vanessa murmured. "Let's stay calm. My uncle will take care of..."

The light allowed me to make out the formal cutting slacks, of light colors...

Suddenly, the din of the engines was back. I looked away.

Several four by fours appeared in the distance going into the square. Their powerful reflectors swept off the area including the mound. I saw Felix, hands behind his neck. I swallowed hard and tried to locate the doctor, but I didn't have time. A threatening shout made me look forward again. Two individuals in Caribbean suits had placed themselves a couple of feet in front of us.

I saw Vanessa getting rid of the backpack.

"They want the backpacks."

She threw her bag at the fancy assassin's feet. Darwin copied her move at once. One of the subjects bent down, took the largest backpack and drew it close to the light—a thick golden bangle sparkled on his wrist. Next, he plunged a knife in the knapsack and ripped it. All the envelopes of space food fell down. Then, some voices were heard. I realized that there were more people around, in the penumbra. The assassin told them something and threw the bag away. He squatted, sticking the knife in a silver wrap.

"They think we're drug dealers," Vanessa whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"From a rival gang..."

Ironically, a white dust came out of the envelope: milk. The drug dealer nodded slowly and got up.

Vanessa said something in Spanish. Certainly, she was trying to clarify the terrible misunderstanding. But it was too late. The hit man did nothing but let out a burst of laughter.

"Where's Croft?" Darwin whispered alarmed.

Feigningly, I looked up in the sky and tried to listen over the guffaws and the roar of the engines.

I didn't see nor hear anything resembling an aircraft.

"It's close," I said.

Naturally, I just spoke for the sake of it. I was going through one of those moments of absolute apathy, the ones that you experience when you find yourself in a difficult situation. I dropped my eyes calmly and saw the drug dealer withdraw a huge gun.

I didn't worry. I was watching everything as a mere spectator.

"Gordo!" Vanessa exclaimed. Mechanically, I took a step towards her and tried to block her. "They want to start with you!" she explained.

I persisted on guarding her. The hit man pointed his gun at me.


A deafening noise filled the atmosphere. A potent light from the sky illuminated the entire square. The assassin turned round at once; a shadow was moving on the mountain. It was mud, splashing all over. The dealer shot upwards.

SUNGLASESS AND ROCKETS  Part 2: The MachineWhere stories live. Discover now