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Parsec Inc?

What the hell was going on at Mama Bat? A magnate had just paid 1 billion dollars for 7 miserable minutes with us—I mean, with Doctor Masterton—before they turned us into soap.

The squandering (very welcomed anyway) did not stop there. That same character had revealed without much ceremony that he had paid Voodoo for a week's stay at Mama Bat, in which, thanks to the astronomical amount of 10 billion dollars, he'd be allowed to make the Armageddon machine work.

Mr. Wright had rented the SVM!

Why make it work before time? What could have been the reason? The doctor had never said that the SVM could be rented to a particular person. That must have been a serious crime!

And in what place did all of this put the fleet of Vampires that had arrived to the moon in?

It is wise to keep the mind busy, especially when you know that these could be your last minutes: that prevents you from dying out of pure fear.

Anyway, to the nice and cold magnate, the following minutes did not represent less than a macabre picture: he even amicably patted the shoulder of the tenebrous Voodoo, before running toward us, still expectant at the threshold.

"Thank you," he said excitedly.

When he was near, he took off his glasses, preparing himself for an introduction. Simultaneously, our five escorts made us leave the room. The magnate was disconcerted and his attitude was spoiled.

"What's going on here?" he called out keeping his affability.

"Nobody said that you should remain in the same spot," Voodoo responded. "Am I correct?"

When we started walking down the hall, I heard Voodoo's voice:

"Time is ticking."

Certainly, we were walking hastily toward another direction, on our way to our execution...

Oh God! I couldn't die yet! I needed to see Vanessa first!

No, definitely it wasn't my time. The only thing was that besides me, nobody knew it. Not even Vanessa's uncle, who was walking right next to me.

I forced myself not to lose my faith. Love would lead me to the woman I loved...I should trust fate...or else, the doctor.

I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He assented gently to himself while still frowning. Not a glimpse of distress came out of his pores. He was still focused. Didn't wash mean annihilate? Or perhaps he was planning a spectacular escape? My reflections were interrupted by the heavy footsteps in the hall.

"Wait for me!"

I recognized the voice of the magnate and turned my gaze lightly. I noticed that he was speeding up his pace between the two guards that were watching us.

"I must speak to the professors!"

The group neither stopped nor slowed down.

"Excuse me, excuse me," the magnate said when he joined us. Under the light of the hall he looked tan. "Excuse me."

The guards barely let him through. Mr. Wright tripped, although he quickly caught up with us, placing himself before Darwin. He took off his glasses and turned around. He had a live, juvenile gaze, although, due to the wrinkles on his skin he was no less than forty.

It was obvious that he was about to speak.

"Seven minutes," the Major spoke first.

Looking slightly away, the magnate consented gladly.

"I like your style Major. You could work for me..." He interrupted himself and took a glance at his watch. "Gentlemen," he said gazing up. "I would like to—"

"Ask Voodoo to bring Phillip Stanford here," the doctor demanded sharply.

"That will be later," Mr. Wright smiled as he was trying to shake hands. "Professor Masterton; gentlemen, I have a proposal of—"

"Cover my ears," the doctor ordered.

Darwin was on the left and raised his handcuffed hands, threatening to cover the doctor's ears. Shyly, I started to do the same, in spite of the guards' presence.

The magnate checked out the time once again and addressed the Major.

"Doctor Masterton would like to see Phillip Stanford. Is it possible?

The Major at the front of the line put one hand on his ear, covering a headphone and murmured something into the microphone at jaw level.

"Done," the magnate responded hurriedly. "We'll see him on the way..."

Darwin and I put our hands down immediately. Once again, Mr. Wright was going to talk, but at that moment we reached a corner, he was forced to look forward as we turned to the right.

We came onto a more extensive corridor.

The billionaire turned his head again. He raised his hand to make a signal. Suddenly, I identified the unmistakable clicking of high heels. His assistant joined the squad rapidly, next to Darwin.

"Well," the magnate said pleased. "We're all here." He looked at the doctor and then his assistants. "Gentlemen, the revolution has begun: we have achieved the demassification..."

SUNGLASESS AND ROCKETS  Part 2: The MachineWhere stories live. Discover now