t h r e e

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brandon's pov

"omg b!" i hear across the hallway, to see someone familiar run towards me. 

it's been 5 years since i saw lily. honestly, she was my inspiration to actually take my talents forward.

the words "you have talent, make it count." has always been on mind everyday. it has made me take any opportunity offered to me. it was the reason why i became a part of prettymuch in the first place.

but over the years, i just remembered that phrase, and not the actual person saying those words. but sometimes i get deja vu.

i have crossed upon her insta on several occasions, and when she got into a relationship when we were in highschool, i didn't bother to contact. but 5 years, and maybe things could change

"so, are you gonna stay or?" zion pushed my shoulder

"well, i have to fill out some applications and forms, study the heavy text books before class starts on monday, and it's a friday afternoon. also, LA party equals alcohol. and i think it's illegal. tryna keep a low profile before i get kicked out of my school for doing illegal-" i got cut off my someone shutting my mouth with their fingers

"we don't speak of that phrase here." zion glared at me, while i pushed his fingers off my lips

"so, i see you have made a new friend." diana said, as she came inside the house

"di! help me. i'm being peer pressured." i complained like a child

"well, i'm already here. unless you're willing to walk home, then sure. you can take the car, but do you know how to get back home?" she crossed her arms

"no." i pouted.

"well, your mom put me in charge of you. and you complained about always staying home. it's your first LA party before studying is gonna keep you away from society." she smiled as the others agreed. "tomorrow i'll finally bring you somewhere before you go to school on monday."

"fine." i agreed to.

9 p. m.
"i should've went home. there's only little bit people here." i whined. "can someone give me the wifi password?"

11 p. m.
"is it too late to post mates the alcohol?" one of the guys asked from across the room

12 a. m.
"okay, maybe one shot is okay." i told myself, as i stared at the shot glass

anything after that, was a blur.
when i woke up, i was on the couch, with blankets on top of me and simba licking my face. but before anything else, i looked under the blankets to make sure- and yes, i didn't do it.

"good morning sunshine!" zion said, which gave me a headache

"oh she's having a hangover." someone yelled from the kitchen, which made me more annoyed

"diana and nick are still in the room, maybe sleeping or maybe doing something," zion grinned, as he threw a pillow at me

"here, take these." brandon said, as he handed me 2 advil pills and a glass of water

"thanks." i smiled, before swallowing the pills.

"though it was a small party, it was a crazy one. when i saw you, i thought you were just a normal person. but you are crazy-crazy," edwin pointed out as he walked in

"what did i do last night?" i asked, in shock

"first, you almost started a fight with someone. then, you were crying about a guy and was screaming at the top of your lungs for him to die. not only that but you-" edwin got cut off with nick and diana coming out of their rooms

"ooh wha- Oh. lily!" both of them said in shock as they saw me

"was i really that crazy last night?" i looked up

"yea. but don't worry. it's not like mi-" i knew what she was about to say

"oh my gosh. i didn't. I DIDNT." i cried

"you did." everyone said in sync

"am i gonna get a restraining order now?" i sobbed

"who is that mikey dude anyways?" zion asked

"a guy who we shall not speak of. and it seems unfair, the audacity for this guy to leave me on prom night on the dance floor, sleep with another girl, and literally have a buttdial of them doing it. not pleasant. not only that, but i destroyed my friend's prom night with her boyfriend, since they were the only ones that were there for me. to add on to the pain,we also got into the same school as well." i rant. "i even knew the girl he slept with. even she's going to the same school."

"oh girl. that is way more scandalous than what is said about us." one of the guys point out

"well, wipe those tears girl, cuz we're finally gonna go on an adventure." diana said, as she wiped the tears from my eyes, and then giving me a hug. then, everyone came into a group hug.
mikey. michael. my summer fling after brandon arreaga. he was a distant friend, then his friend started dating my friend. so we somehow became close as we were excluded. he seemed to be more of just a reallly close friend i had a thing with, instead of an actual boyfriend.

but he had some other girl friends he was really close with. some he was friends with longer than i known him. threats were given, but it wasn't harm. but what hurt the most was how i was gonna break it off since it didn't seem right with him and his friends. then he said one day, "i love you. don't worry about them. they like you. actually, they want to be friends with you."

lies. the phrase, "keep your friends close, and enemies closer," was all i can say to describe what i think they had in mind.
zion's pov

last night was some heck of a night. that lily girl is not as i expected.

"mikey," she whimpered with tears coming down, as she fell onto me. "why did you stay with me if you knew you loved her?"

"zion, can u put her in your room for now? the guest room is occupied. put her on the couch later." diana said

"okay, lily. you had one too many shots." i snickered, as i picked her up

"mikey, why? explain!" she lightly slapped my face

"i'm not mikey." i smiled

"well, you look like him. with the dimples, the face shape." she replied, as she squeezed my cheeks and touched my jaw. "oh that's sharp, you cut me."

"you are one heck of a person." i laughed

"you don't look like mikey." she shot up, then knocked out.

she's cute.

authors note //

okay, so everytime a "_____" comes along, and it doesn't have a "name's pov," then it's lily's pov. it will always be with lily's pov, unless pointed out the whole chapter is based on one person. 

if you are here from me telling you to read this from "he's just my best friend," well, that book is gonna end soon, so, you can read this. and maybe this can turn you prettymuch into a prettymuch fan ;)

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