f i f t e e n

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zion's pov

"i'm gonna go to the bar," she points out the bar, in which lily walks towards. constantly, kacie grabs onto my arm and asks me so much things, which i can't understand.

"you dressed nice today," kacie points out.

"lily forced me to change to something different," i say, as everyone gives me a look. they were all shocked.

"eh, she doesn't have good style," she rubs off the idea lily chose the outfit.

as  disappointed i should be, there's no exact reason to. i'm here with my actual girlfriend and all my friends. nothing else i should ask for. from far away, i just observe. the way she pouts a little. the way she just scrolls on what i assume is instagram, but get frustrated with the slow data she has. but i shouldn't be thinking about this girl ive known for a week. there's so much to ask, and so much to know. right now, i am with who i thought would be the one. but why should i feel this way about someone, than rather for the girl next to me?

"you guys want a drink or anything?" brandon asks, and the others shake their heads as a sign if no interest of the possible alcohol. he then walks towards the bar, and starts a conversation with lily, who no longer looks that lonely.

"after this, i was wondering if we can go back to your hotel room and," kacie winks, as she touches my chest. i wanted to be with one girl tonight. but i guess i go back with the same girl in the end. there's nothing wrong with kacie, but there's just nothing there.

with the site of now seeing brandon and lily walking around the garden and laughing together, made me think of all the scenarios that could have happened between lily and I. it was like i was singing my own version of "that should be me," by justin bieber.

"yea, just don't do what you did last time. and don't steal my friend's clothes." i smile, as she squeals to the idea of what may happen tonight.

a few hours pass, with lily sitting a few tables from us. i want to get to know more, but i can't get it out of her. but, brandon and lily were able to make convo from chairs away.


"yayay. i got a job! part time!" i squeal for the 50th time, as everyone is already exhausted with me saying that. the others ordered an uber back.

"must be nice," the girl who wouldn't let me sit mutters.

"then get an actual job sis," i whisper to myself. "did you guy's see zion or anything?"

"oh he left early with kacie," the girl winks at me.

"oh," i choke. "can someone ride with me then? i don't wanna drive alone that's why."

"yea, ill come," brandon runs towards my direction, which gave me a smile.

"you better give me a discount." i hear ansley yell from a distance. "see you back at the hotel."

i drove back to the hotel, and the drive back wasn't as bland as it was when i was with zion. brandon played some of the new songs they haven't released, and i was in love with them. not only that, but when he sang along, it was like nothing has changed since the last time. we ended up listening to old timer songs, and singing along. purposefully, we planned to drive around more and go the longer way, so we could've had more time in the car. then you know it, we were already on the elevator.

"when you get your car, we should do that more often," brandon points out

"excuse me? you don't drive?" i snicker a bit

"yeah, i don't have most of the time to. it's just uber and walking to my destinations." he huffed. "the road and i are not good partners."

"my car comes in next week." i continue to giggle. "you will learn how to drive like a boss, and save money. uber is too expensive."

we continue to walk to the rooms, and talk about more things that i question about brandon.

"good night! and good luck tomorrow morning." i say, and he does the same before entering the room

when he already went inside, i took my card, and open the door. in such surprise and shock, i now know why i see condoms in his duffel bag. luckily, they weren't used on me. not that i thought about it.

"lord jesus christ!" i shut my eyes after seeing the site.

"get out!" kacie yells, as she's still on zion.

at this point, my bed has all their things. i grab my bag and everything and left what wasn't important. i didn't know what exactly what to do, but i walked out. i didn't know whether i should have kicked her out of what was actually my room, or cry, or laugh. i don't know what exactly what to feel. but i headed out. i knocked on brandon's door, and hopefully, him and edwin weren't sleeping already.

"hello? edwin? brandon?" i continue knocking.

brandon opens the door, and gives me a concerned look.

"why do you have your bags?" he asked, and edwin comes to the door

"i've been kicked out of my own room and caught some people doing the nasties." i shiver

they help me bring in my things. i explained everything, yet all they do is laugh.

"you were gonna cry?" edwin cackles, and becomes really red.

"i was tired, and she just yelled at me." i pouted. "anyways, thanks for letting me stay."

"no problem," they both smile

we all talked to each other for a little while, and i guess i instantly became friends with edwin as well. he's a really chill dude with some type of fashion choice i find really unique. nothing much has happened during the night, but the thought of what i witnessed had me shocked. why should i be worried and feel down, when i don't even know this guy.

i settle down on the ground, and placed my pillow next to the wall.

"no, take the bed," brandon insisted, as he took the pillows

"i barged in out of nowhere. i'm sleeping on the ground." i smile

a few more minutes of arguing, and we ended up sharing the bed. with edwin snickering in the background...

"shut up edwin." i give him a stink eye

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