t w e n t y t h r e e

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as i sat by myself, i looked lonely. but jenny's friends and their whole friend group came from hawaii, and some of them came up to me saying some sympathetic words. i gave fake smiles, and carried along to scrolling through my phone.

"how many cups of coffee have you had?" someone texted me.

"not much to be concerning about," i reply

"where are you?" he texted back

"at a baby shower." i answer back

"that was today? are you lonely?" he asked

"no. everything is great" i sent

"i'm coming." he texted

"how? you don't even know the address." i give a questionable look.

"there must be some cheesy hashtag for this." he messaged. i look around the place, and do see some "#mikeyandjennysbabyshower2019"

"you're not actually coming," i texted. no replies.

"come lils. they're gonna do some games," madeline dragged me off my seat.

typically, we did those whats in the diaper, word search, how much is in the jar, and all those other games. lucky for me, i had some things to bring home. after the games, they continue on with the gender reveal for the ending.

"okay, are you ready everyone?"mikey yells to the crowd surrounding them.

"three... two... one..." everyone said together, as everyone are about to blow up their confetti canons. before everyone started to cheer with the site of pink raining down, i feel a pair of random hands wrap around my waist.

"so this must be what its like at a gender reveal," he says in my ear, as it sends a small shiver down my spine.

"how did you get here?" i asked, as were still in that position. i had a feeling i should just stay in the moment, since it felt like a cinematic scene. "i thought you'd just given up."

"i've never seen you in ages," he complains. "might as well take my chances."

as the cheering cooled down, people's eyes were on us. i suddenly pulled apart from our position to face my actual reality.

"he's not my boyfriend," i laugh hysterically before everyone continued on with their business. "you wanna meet the expecting couple?"

i led him to jenny and mikey once they had their last greeting.

"jenny, mikey, zion." i say, before they all started hugging and shaking hands.

"congrats," zion spoke in a bland way. i step on his foot, for showing respect, to he replies with a small screech.

"he's really tall," jenny whispers into my ear, before returning to their awkward eye contact.

"so, how do you know lily?" mikey looks up to zion as he asked.

"we're something." he shrugs. i step on his foot again.

"well, its nice meeting you," jenny smiles

"mhm, nice meeting you guys too," ziom smiles back. "congratulations again."

"you wanna eat?" i asked, which he nods to.

as he grabbed some food, we sat on the table i was on earlier. he seemed to be back into the mood once it was just us.

"how'd you get here?" i asked him

"well, it was kind of close once i see that one of the girls over there added the location," he mumbles, as he continues to eat the piece of cake he got.

"i thought you didn't wanna do anything with me anymore with me and my malibu convertible?" i inquired. "wasn't i just your rebound?"

he shot up with a furious look on his face, as his cheeks are filled with the cake. i tend to laugh a little.

"you were never a rebound," he furrows his eyebrows. "what even made you think that? you made me feel like i was your rebound."

"oh you're not a rebound. i had that a while back," i snicker. "also, we were kinda together the night after you and kacie broke up. also, what exactly happened the night we somewhat happened?"

"i told you. you were drunk. we had a really tense thing going on. then you fell asleep. no further explanation." he smirks a bit.

"zion i swear. if you don't tell me exactly everything, i'm not gonna talk to you anymore," i flipped my hair back

"we didn't do anything. if we did, you wouldn't be able to go to your little date with brandon the morning after," he huffs. "my further explanations will be said if we're ever trapped together, and i'm the one that's drunk in that situation."

"fine by me." i turn my head. "sorry to not be the love type."

"well, i'm willing to work the whole night. you already know i'm nothing like your ex," he smirks. "i won't be something you're used to."

"vice versa," i wink back. did we really just do that? i guess we did.

as we continue to what i think he thinks is flirting, but i think is one funny game, and i'm about to crack, one of jenny's friends from back home plan to sit next to the empty seat next to zion.

"hey lils," she interrupts. "long time no see."

"hey," i reply, as i try to recall this girl's name. all i can remember was the girl i put a restraining order on. but we're no longer in high school.

"so, who'd you invite?" she tends to just grab ahold of his hands and look at, which he gives me a face. i reply to him with a "i don't know who that is" expression. he mouths with a "help me."

"is he taken?" she bites her lip, before looking back to me. "with his little entrance earlier, you said he wasn't your boyfriend." the fact that i'm disrupted with this girl's actions actually being near me, and zion needs my help makes me result to something i wish not to say.

"yes. really taken." i gulp. "though i may have said something earlier, he actually is my boyfriend. hopefully, things are better for you back at home. what happened to that other guy that was your "forever love"?"

"oh." she gets up. "things weren't going well. but i suppose."

"boyfriend?" he questions once she walked away. "a few minutes ago, you weren't willing to talk to me ever again. and i was gonna be proper about everything, but i guess i'm now your boyfriend."

"pendejo," i roll my eyes playfully.

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