Meeting a New Friend

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Bucky and Ramona was up and out the door at 5am. Bucky never been up before the sun is out ever! Walking out the door and not seeing a soul outside was strange, it was so quiet in the city this early, the only people that are up are soldiers walking to the bus station to transfer to the military hanger to fly them out to England and coffee shops with family that live on top of their shop. It was peaceful and Bucky knew he would miss this peace and the smell of his hometown, Steve was still sleep and Bucky didn't want to wake him so he left a note for him. Of course he called his mother before leaving, she cried, it finally hit her that he was going off to war and she broke down. With the help from himself and Becca she calm down a little but stayed strong for him knowing he needed the strength from home to get through the war. Ramona is taking this early walk in strive she was wide awake and acting like she was excited for an adventure this early! not knowing that, it will be a while before they return home and her adventure was only just beginning. Bucky chuckled at her innocence excitement, trying to keep all this lock in his memories. Bucky even decided to bring a few journals with him just to document everything that will happen, hoping one day he can show his children what happen to him in England during the war in his youth.

Making their way to the bus station Bucky was surprise to find so many men. Some of course he recognize from growing up with them others he never seen a day in his life. Unfortunately he spotted the guy with his monster of a dog Butch. Bucky rolled his eyes keeping his distance from the two. Bucky found a seat a little ways from everyone else wanting to spend some alone time with his little girl. Looking at Ramona with her military gear on Bucky still felt proud and happy that he wasn't doing this completely alone. He put on her harness for her to get use to it, Ramona protested of course but with the help of bologna she didn't seem to mind to much, she was still scratching at it, but other wise ok. Bucky wanted her to be ahead of the other dogs, he was looking around not seeing a single dog with the harness on. Everyone was wearing a plain white shirt with military pants and black military shoes, everyone knew once they got off the plane it was straight to basic training. Ramona was sniffing around taking in all the people and the dogs that was around, she never smelled so many different things at once and the bus station was really tickling her nose. Licking her lip she spotted a guy walking with a really interesting dog towards them, wagging her tail she wanted to play but then felt her Bucky tug on her leash pulling her between his legs while watching the guy and his dog with caution.

 Licking her lip she spotted a guy walking with a really interesting dog towards them, wagging her tail she wanted to play but then felt her Bucky tug on her leash pulling her between his legs while watching the guy and his dog with caution

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"Hello is this seat taking?" ask the stranger with the big red dog. Bucky look at the man with distrust and said, "No, go head just keep you dog on the opposite side." The stranger sat down obligating to Bucky request telling his big red dog to 'Sit', the dog didn't listen he was trying to smell Ramona and play with her, but Bucky wasn't having any of it. "Sorry about that, he only ever listen to my father but we are trying to work it out." The Stranger said tugging at his dog leash keeping him a way from the weird looking dog that sat between the stranger legs. "I'm John by the way this is Red." John said sticking out his hand for Bucky to shake, "James, but people call me Bucky and her name is Ramona." Bucky said shaking John hand in return. Bucky made a gesture to the big red dog, "Are you guys joining the program too?" "Yea, it was my dad idea, he said 'Son in order for you to survive you need Red with you' some speech to give to your son who is going off to war, right." John laugh but looking a bit sad. Bucky couldn't help but to ask, "What are you doing here John, clearly you don't want to be here." John look to Bucky surprise,"No, I do want to be here, to be honest i'm hoping to make my father proud by joining and coming home a war hero." John said with a smile and a hopeful look to his face. Bucky could only nod his head thinking, 'I guess we all need encouragement for returning home alive' Bucky then ignore John petting Ramona who by now put her head on his lap licking his hand. "So Bucky, i'm guessing you're also in the program did you want to join or did your father make you join too?" John asked leaning forward trying to make friends. Bucky laugh, "No, my recruiting officer suggested it to me when he saw Ramona and I took it, i'm glad to have her she my partner in everything." Bucky  was giving Ramona a smile. John saw the bond that was between Bucky and his dog. Looking back to Red, John couldn't help but hope he can gain that with him. "I hope me and Red can connect, like I said he's my father dog, he's not his favorite that's probably why he gave him to me to take with me to England." John said petting Red head who was completely ignoring him. 

Bucky understood what Lt. Andrews meant when he said, he's lucky that him and Ramona have the bond. Looking at John and his dog, Bucky knew they have a long way to go and feared that time wouldn't be on their side. Bucky then inquired, "He look expensive, how much did he cost." John looked like he didn't want to answer. "You don't have to answer if its to personal." Bucky quickly insure not wanting to offend him. John then smiled and said, "No, it's ok I just don't want you to treat me differently when I tell you. My dad is a breeder, Red here is what you call 'Dogue De Bordeaux' his breed is from France, ironic I know, my family is wealthy and so when my father was in France he was gifted with a breeding pair and from there the rest is history." John said not wanting to see the look of jealousy that he was use to getting from people when they found out he is from a very well off family. Bucky only smiled not at all surprise that John came from money, the way he talk pretty much gave it away. "Well, that is fancy, and considering that we are going only a block away from Red origins it's seem like everything is coming full circle." Bucky said going back to petting Ramona "Ramona isn't that fancy, but she's enough for me and that's all that matter. I couldn't tell you what she is but, she is a beaut." Bucky with a proud look said to John, who in turn was shock once again and happy that Bucky didn't shun him away. "Are you nervous Bucky for all of this?" John asked looking around at the men that was waiting for the bus. "Of course I am, but also i'm excited for what's coming, of course when this is over we will be American Hero's who don't want that." Bucky said with an assurance smile to John. John nod his head feeling like he was really ok with going to England and making his father proud.

Both men heard the buses pull into the station and got up getting their belongings and dogs walking behind the men to get on the bus. "Hey Bucky is it ok for us to sit with you, having a friend to talk with will make the journey more exciting." John ask having trouble keeping control of Red who was pulling hard on his leash to keep up with Ramona. Ramona wasn't impress with Red, she stayed by Bucky side with a lax leash that she was trained to do ignoring the big red dog. Bucky said, "Sure it's no problem." John was excited to have made a friend. Bucky and John made it on the bus finding their seats putting their dogs between their legs trying to keep them from getting step on. Red still being a young dog wasn't comfortable on the bus and was trying to make his way to Bucky and Ramona. With the little space that the seats provided Ramona was getting annoyed with Red and had to snap at him to keep him over with John and out of her space. Bucky laugh petting her head, "Sorry, I guess she's trying to teach him." John only shock his head, embarrass over his dog behavior. He wish Red was like Ramona and act like a well trained animal instead of a dumb beast. "It's fine he have to learn to stop throwing his weight around." John finally got Red to sit still then let out a breath of air closing his eyes feeling exhausted. The rest of the bus ride was quiet, no one made a sound. Everyone was in their own thoughts, thinking about everything that is happening and what's going to happen. No one knows what war was like, but they did know for certain, that all of them was nervous, some scared of the unknown, but no one was ready for what war was really about and finding out was going to change everyones lives.

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