OwO Discord?!

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Hey guys! I just wanna promote a new server I made on Discord OwO. It's a CHB server based on Rick Riordan's book the PJO series.

Ever been suspicious of the real world? Are there times wherein you think you are being followed? Does bad things often happen to you?

Then, you might be one of us! A demigod. Quickly come to Camp Half-Blood young demigod, and we'll teach you how to survive. With monsters hot on your tail, the camp's magical border will protect you until you receive a quest of your own or go on one.

But remember, try not to go on quests TOO much. They tend to shorten your lifespan.

Join us here in Camp Half-Blood, where you can meet other demigods like you and train to defend yourself. See you in camp!

First few members get the special role "Founding Member" as a recognition OwO

Invite link:

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