~Chapter Twenty-three~

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"Aha!" The Doctor cheered in triumph. "Wait, this is it right?"

I nodded and lead him into the control room I had found a few hours ago. I pointed out which buttons controlled the cameras so that way he wouldn't accidentally kill us.

It hadn't taken too long to find the vent that had led me to the room and once I had gotten there, The Doctor had walked through the maze until he had reached me. From there, he used his sonic screwdriver to make the metal walls easier to take off and he was able to crawl inside.

Before we had begun searching for the controls to the maze, my friend had taken me back to the TARDIS to fix my sprained ankle. He led me down the stairs to the lower level and told me to stay still. After a few seconds, The Doctor's hand had begun to glow a bright shade of yellow and he grabbed onto my ankle. In a matter of seconds, my ankle was perfectly fine and was completely healed.

'How did you do that?' I had asked him.

'I used up a bit of my next regeneration abilities to heal you.'

'You didn't have to do that.' But he reassured me that it would be fine.

Now that I was healed, we were able to go from one place to another without me limping and stopping to rest every ten seconds.

I wasn't exactly sure what The Doctor wad planning on doing since wherever we were was just floating through space. There didn't seem to be an entrance so maybe whatever had made it was permanently stuck in here to control it.

That skull must have been part of the alien that was trapped here but where were the rest of its bones? Was it just a head? Whatever it was must have created this place in attempt to kill The Doctor.

"Do you think that someone made this place to try and kill you?" I asked in a small voice.

"Probably," My friend replied, tracing the buttons with his fingers. "We should destroy it once we get out. There's no reason for it to be here now that we know how it works."

We walked back to the TARDIS in silence and left the maze.

When we had landed right outside of the giant metal box, The Doctor opened the door and dropped a small green sphere into a slot in the side of the wall. The man then rushed back inside and led the time machine back home.

I asked what the sphere was and my friend replied that it was one of Jack Harkness' bombs that he had left behind in case if The Doctor ever needed to blow something up.

That sounds like him, I thought to myself.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"We get food. I'm starving," The Doctor whined.

When we had landed, I stepped out of the TARDIS and found myself back in London. We had landed right across the street from one of my favorite places. It was a small building that was home to a cozy coffee shop with a library. I loved going there to read and have tea back when I was with my friend. Someday I would explain these things to The Doctor, just not yet.

Right as I turned around to call for The Doctor to get out, the time lord skipped out of the TARDIS wearing his fez.

"Oh no you don't," I said.

I snatched the silly hat off of his head and threw it back inside the time machine, closing the door behind it.

"Aww! Why can't I bring it with me?" The Doctor pouted.

"Because it's ridiculous and you act like you are five years old whenever you wear it," I retorted.

I grabbed his hand and dragged my friend into the coffee shop. Not much had changed since I had last been here a few months ago.

I stepped up to the counter and ordered a croissant and two Earl Grey teas. On the other side of the shop, The Doctor sulked in the corner and stared longingly at the TARDIS. I rolled my eyes and took my order to a small table in the library section. The food smelled delicious and I cut the croissant in half.
Eventually, the grumpy time lord found his way over to the table and sighed.

"Oh calm down, would you? You can put it back on when we're done," I said.

The Doctor looked up and grabbed both halves of the croissant.

"Oi! That's for both of us to share, you Gallifreyan snot!" I hissed, causing everyone to stare at us.

Once they had looked away, I turned back to my friend and saw that he had shoved the entire croissant into his mouth and had left a small corner on my plate.

"Hebsen fhrkt niy," The Doctor said through a mouthful of food.

"You are disgusting," I said as I popped the piece of bread into my mouth.

"I said that I left a little bit for you," My friend said as he finished eating.

"Yeah, thanks a lot for that. Do you have any ideas on where we should go next? Most of our plans have gotten messed up lately."

The Doctor shrugged and went to go inspect the library. I sat there watching him as he flipped through various books and set them back on their shelves.

Someday I'll tell him. Someday...

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