~Chapter Thirty-four~

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The last thing that I remembered was being pulled out of the cold and into a strange metal room. I heard voices but I wasn't sure where they were coming from. I tried opening my eyes but the lights were so bright that I had to close them again.

The floor beneath me had a metallic smells to it and it feel cold underneath me. I felt like I could lie here forever.

Something warm and soft began to poke the side of my face and I hissed.

"She's up, everyone. She'll be fine," said a voice. Everything sounded like it was underwater and it was becoming harder and harder for me to stay awake.

I was slipping deeper and deeper into the darkness when someone slapped my face. I jumped up with a start, ready to attack whoever just hit me.

"What was that for?" I yelled before falling down.

I legs felt like jelly and they were all wibbly-wobbly. What had happened to me? How was I back inside the space station? Memories of the previous events courses through my mind and I was able to remember. The Doctor had opened the door and pulled me back in before a fell unconscious because of the lack of oxygen. Now that I was safe, we had to get this ship away from Alpha 40. Time was still ticking and we were running out of time.

"Doctor, we need to get them out of here," I said, looking up at my friend.

His face turned a deep shade of red before returning back to normal. "W-well I... what do you?"

I facepalmed and turned towards the crew who were watching us curiously. The Doctor was still stuttering as I explained what happened.

"Ecthol is heading back to the star at this very moment so we don't have much time to get out of here. I need everyone's help in order for this to work."

The remaining crew nodded and we marched through the space station to the TARDIS. It seemed to be that my friend had already told the scientists about William's death because they all had mournful expressions. The crew waited outside of the time machine as The Doctor and I clambered inside and left the space station. Once we were right outside, it would be time to move thing back to Earth.
Based on what The Doctor had told me earlier, the TARDIS was able to "tow" things around. When I had asked how, my friend had replied with "because it can". Someday I would learn his secrets. Someday.

The next thing I knew, the time machine lurched forwards but it was much slower this time. With the millions of pounds that it's carrying behind it, of course the TARDIS is going to be like this. We may be moving a few thousand miles an hour, but Earth was light years away. How would we be able to get there at this speed?

"Doctor, do you think that it's possible to teleport to Earth from here or at least the nearest solar system?" I asked worriedly.

"It may be possible but the TARDIS would be almost completely out of energy from something like that."

We decided to risk it and The Doctor let me fly the time machine as far as we could go. I went over the steps in my head before carefully pulling down the lever. I tried not to think about what would happen if the space station got left behind. The Doctor obviously had never done something so dangerous before so who knew how this would turn out.

All the way back, the time lord kept watch from his camera to make sure that the ship was still being dragged along.

"We should be right next to Earth by now," The Doctor said.

I nodded and swung open the door. Sure enough, the planet I called home lay before me and right next to it was the space station. Everyone was going to be okay. We had brought them home safely.

The scientists' findings would definitely lead to some new discoveries in the next few years. The secrets of Alpha 40 were still unsolved but my friend and I would leave that to Earth. They knew the risks so they would be safe for now. If Ecthol or the Rikrotans ever tried to leave the star, The Doctor and I would be there to stop them from causing destruction across the universe. Our job was to keep people safe now matter how hard a situation may be.

Once I had assured The Doctor that we were back, he brought the time machine back inside of the space station to say goodbye to the crew.

"Are we really back? Oh, thank you both so much!" Hannah said as she ran into my arms for a hug.

I smiled and wished everyone luck for when they returned home. We all said our goodbyes and The Doctor made sure to tell the crew that they would have to contact him if the Rikrotans ever came back.

Now that everything had been resolved, my friend and I were able to leave at last. It may have been exciting to explore deep space, but it was a bit horrifying at the same time. Being so far away from anyone meant that anything could happen and no one would ever know.

"What's next? Maybe a planet with a thousand moons or a planet completely covered in water?" The Gallifreyan suggested.

"Wherever you want. Just try to make it interesting and not too stressful."

With that the TARDIS swept us out of the space station and back into space. When we landed, The Doctor and I went up to the door and opened it together. My friend gasped at what was in front of us.

"Aliyah, whatever you do, don't blink."

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