~Chapter Thirty~

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"Do you really think that you'll win now that you have the TARDIS?" I asked. "The Doctor has beaten you every time and this won't change anything."

The Daleks stared at us and didn't reply. They always seemed to be surprised for a human to even talk to them. I may be the lowest rank of species to Daleks but I could sure startle them.
After a long moment, one Dalek came forward and said that this time they would win and they would stop The Doctor once and for all. The rest of the Daleks roared in agreement and began to shout exterminate once more.

In the midst of their yelling, the robotic creatures didn't notice The Doctor pointing his sonic screwdriver at the ceiling light above our heads. With a loud crack, the power went out and we were submerged in darkness. I felt a hand grab mine and tug me forward.

I was pushed this way and that in the dark by my friend. Even though we weren't able to see, I trusted The Doctor with my life.

"We should be safe now," He said and the lights flickered back on.

As the world was lit back up again, I saw that we had found ourselves in front of a door. I turned the handle and looked inside. It was a small closet that contained various Dalek parts.

What would they need all of this for?

I beckoned for the time lord to follow me inside and I shut the door behind us. Luckily, there was just enough room for us to sit down comfortably.

"Maybe the Dalek that escaped with the TARDIS will figure out how to fly it back here and get the rest of his friends," I suggested.

My friend made a humming sound and leaned back on the wall. I did the same and stared up at the dark grey ceiling. We would find a way out of here and we would get the TARDIS back.

I began to recall memories of when The Doctor had taught me about different species and planets that he had visited. I had no idea how long we would have to wait so now was the perfect time to review our adventures.


I had just sat down to start writing the next chapter of my book when I heard a strange sound coming from my kitchen. It sounded mechanical and a bit like something grinding on metal.

My computer dropped onto my bed and I flew down the stairs of my flat towards the kitchen. When I peaked around the corner, I saw a blue police phone call box sitting next to my table.

How in the world did this get in here? Was this another prank from those obnoxious teenagers that lived next door?

I stepped up to the doors of the blue box and tried to open it. The doors wouldn't budge. Figuring that there was only one way to find out how it got in here, I knocked on one of the big blue doors. After a moment, the door creaked open and a tall man with brown hair poked his head out.

"Oh, hello there! What's your name? Am I in London?" He said.

"Um, yes this is London and I'm Aliyah. Who are you and what is that thing doing in my house?" I asked.

"My name is The Doctor and this is my TARDIS. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aliyah."


I smiled at the memory of when I had first met my friend. Out of the thousands of places that he could have landed, The Doctor ended up in my flat. He was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

I pressed my ear against the door of the closet trying to hear what the Daleks were doing. Suddenly, the sound of the TARDIS flooded into the room and The Doctor and I hopped up with excitement. This was really happening. We were going to fix this.

My friend nodded and the two of us burst out of the closet and ran to the time machine. We past Daleks who were too shocked to say anything.

"Whoohooo!" The Doctor cheered as he flung open the blue doors, holding a Dalek laser that he must have grabbed from the closet.

The Dalek that had stolen the time machine turned towards us and then froze. The Doctor pointed the laser at it and the Dalek sped out of the TARDIS as fast as it could.

"Don't try to mess with us like that again," I said The the crowd of Daleks that had gathered around outside. "You will leave Earth and the rest of the universe alone or you will have us to deal with. Before we go, remember our names: Aliyah and The Doctor. We will stop you every time so be afraid."

I walked back into the time machine and slammed the door in their faces.  I turned around and saw my friend staring at me with shock.

"I guess that was one way to do things," he said with a playful smile.

I shrugged and happily danced around the TARDIS. I may have messed up but we had The Doctor's time machine back which was what mattered.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I said. "Speaking of which, what we're going to say before the Daleks interrupted you?"

"Oh right. About that... I was just going to say that you are the most amazing companion— Um, I mean friend, that I have ever had," The Doctor stammered.

I laughed and thanked him. Maybe things might get better between us. After all, we have all the time in the universe.

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