~Chapter Eighty-four~

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As the TARDIS landed, the Doctor, Mickey, Martha, Jack, and I discussed our plan. If this didn't work, the technology facility would most likely start creating ways to travel through time as well. It was possible that they had already done this and if they did, there might not be any hope of success.

"Jack, whatever you do, don't touch or go near yourself," my friend ordered. "Martha, bring the other Jack into the TARDIS and Mickey can help. Aliyah and I will scan the area to make sure that no one sees us."

The four of us agreed with the Gallifreyan and went to the door. Mickey and Martha went first to grab the Captain Jack with the vortex manipulator. Then it was my turn to go.

I rushed out of the time machine and looked around to see if anyone was watching us. Luckily, we were the only ones near the building so we would be safe just as long as no one came outside. If that happened, the Jack from the future would make sure that they didn't find the vortex manipulator. Once we were safe, we would all get back inside the TARDIS and bring the younger Harkness somewhere else.

I turned my head towards the couple just as the Jack with the teleportation device flickered and vanished from sight. There was a tiny projector hidden in the handle of the door that had been showing an image of the captain. That meant that the facility knew that we were coming and they already had made a way to travel through time.

"Oh we are so screwed now," Jack hissed from the TARDIS as he climbed out onto the street. "Doc, you should come and see this."

The Doctor stepped outside and followed after his friend. He groaned when he saw the hidden projector and banged his fist on the side of the building. A frown spread across the time lord's face as he looked at all of us.

"We have to get out of here before the people at the facility find us," he said.

"You're too late for that, Doctor. We already did," a woman's voice called back.

We all turned around to see a middle-aged woman followed by six guards walking towards us. They all had badges on their shoulders that had a clock on it and below that it read TASM. This was the secret facility that the prime minister had spent weeks trying to find.

The woman ordered for the guards to grab us before she entered the wide doorway of the building. As soon as she left, the six men grabbed onto us and shoved us inside the facility. They were much stronger than they looked so there was no way that any of us could escape.

Once we were all in the building, the door slammed shut beside us with a tremendous bang. The guards led us down a long, narrow hallway that was lined with doors leading to labs, offices, and meeting centers. At the end of the hall, there was a metal door that must lead to wherever they were taking us.

The man that wasn't holding anyone unlocked the door with a key and held it open. As I peered though the doorway, I saw another hall but this time instead of leading to laboratories, it lead to multiple empty cells.

The guards placed the Doctor and I in the one in the back which was no larger than the cold room that we had been in just a few days ago. Mickey and Martha went in a cell on the opposite side of the room while Jack went in one by himself. The six men all stomped out of the room with the cells and locked the door so we couldn't escape.

The five of us sat in silence for awhile until the door reopened and the woman from earlier walked inside with the two men that had captured the Doctor and I. They went over to our cell and brought us out. The woman explained that we had to come with her so we could be interrogated.

"Don't try to fight back because it will just get you killed," the woman said with a smirk. "I'm Mabel Laurens and I already know who you are so save the introduction for another time."

The woman spun out of the room and we had no choice but to go with her. On our way to whoever they were taking us, Mabel told us that her facility needed us to tell them everything that we knew about the TARDIS. The facility would then use that information to make their own version of the Doctor's time machine so they could travel the universe.

We entered a small, white room that was similar to the one where Jacobi and the two women had stuck us in a while back. This time, the room had to tables with a metal clasps attached to it. On the other side of the glass window stood Mabel and a group of scientists.

The two guards brought us over to the tables and laid us down on them. They pressed a button on the wall and the clasps closed down over us. There were two on each of my arms, one around my neck, two more of my legs, and one around my waist. This facility really knew what they were doing here.

The guards left the room and locked the door that they had come from while the button that they had pressed disappeared. From behind the window, Mabel Laurens held up a microphone and spoke into it.

"You two will tell us everything you know about your ship known as a TARDIS. If you refuse to listen, we will torture you until you do."

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