~Chapter Sixty~

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The floor of the cave shook as the monster thundered in. It's black eyes were wide as it searched the room. The large dark head faced the wall opposite of it to where the four of us stood. Just as the thing walked through the entrance, the door slammed closed. There went all hopes of escaping.

My eyes flashed over to my friend who was toying with his sonic screwdriver. "Can you use that to unlock the door?"

He shook his head. "It doesn't work on wood."

I cackled and gave the Doctor a thumbs up. A powerful object that could do just about anything and it couldn't work when it came to wood.

"Don't dis the sonic," my friend said, pulling the screwdriver to his chest.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the creature. It stood perfectly still with its ears pointed straight up.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light and the thing was replaced with a young man. His skin was a pale white and his blue hair fell around his shoulders in little ringlets. He was almost the same height as the two villagers that we were trapped with, just a few inches shorter. The only thing the man wore was a pair of loose grey pants and black boots.

Once the man was done transforming, he sunk to the floor. He let out a low growl before standing up again.

"Who are you?" asked the middle-aged man who reminded me of an older version of Rian. It must be his father than he lad gone missing all those months ago. "What happened to the monster?"

The man laughed for a moment before explaining. "I'm a shapeshifter. I have lived in these caves for centuries ever since I was cursed by my village. They were always afraid of me because I was different. I was able to change my form freely until they made it so I was a monster up above and normal down here. I've been so alone."

"That doesn't mean that you should capture a bunch of innocent people," I retorted. "None of the people that cursed you are alive by now and I'm sure that the villagers would try to help you."

The two village people nodded next to me, still shivering in fright. Anyone would be a bit scared after seen someone turn from a thirty foot tall cat-like creature into a person in a matter of seconds.

I was almost positive that the kind people that the Doctor and I had met earlier would be happy to help anyone. They kindly welcomed strangers into their village without a second thought so of course they would do the same for this man. The only thing that I didn't get was why he had been cursed in the first place. He had avoided the details entirely as if he was trying to hide something.

"Why were you cursed? Your village wouldn't have done that unless they had a very good reason to do so," I questioned.

The man turned to face me, his black eyes staring directly into mine. He stepped forwards until he was inches away from me.

"If you were the only shapeshifter that lived there, people would be terrified," the man said, his hand snaking under my chin.

I froze as he smirked at me. The tips of his sharp teeth poking out from behind his lips. The Doctor pushed him away and pulled me close to him.

Great, now the men are fighting for my attention. Now I see how the Doctor felt with me and River.

I shoved my friend off of me in annoyance. I could easily protect myself and I didn't need him to be so clingy constantly.

"If you let us all go, I swear on my life that I'll find a way to help you," I promised.

"Oh I already knew that you'd help me, darling," the man purred, slowly dragging his fingers across my neck.

If he didn't stop this, I was seriously going to punch him in the face. His creepy voice was enough all on its own and this was just as bad.

The man led the four of us to the door and snapped his fingers. Instantly, the door swung open and he led us to the center of the cave long with torches. He snapped again and we all found ourselves standing near the edge of the village.

With a blinding flash of light, the man returned to his other form and sat down of the snow. Now it was time for us to find a way to remove the curse. The moon was high up in the sky so it had been at least three hours since we had left. Unless it had really been a few years like it had felt like.

The two villagers ran towards their homes to see their families as the Doctor and I trudged across the ice back to Shila. When we stepped through the door, I saw the family hugging and crying. They had been reunited at last.

"Thank you both for bringing my husband back," the woman said through tears.

I smiled at the three of them and grabbed my friend's hand. It was times like these that made me love saving planets across the universe. We always got to see how happy people were afterwards.

"We brought something else back as well," the Doctor said. "And I don't think that you'll like it as much."

That was when we heard a ear splitting shriek from outside. Someone had found the shapeshifter.

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