~Chapter Eighty-seven~

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I poked my head out from behind my door and glanced around. There was no one in sight so I was free to do whatever I wanted. We had only been back for a few hours and the Doctor had disappeared like he usually did.

I grabbed my phone and headphones off of the floor and crept down the hallway to the main control room. He wasn't there either so my friend must still be in the library or his room sulking. Now I could finally get the chance to relax.

Meditation is perfect for a time like this. The only problem is I'm probably going to start thinking about things, I thought worriedly.

The floor was slightly cold beneath my fingers as I sat down on the ground. My eyes closed and I was submerged in darkness. The only sound came from the TARDIS and from the faint music coming from my phone. I plugged in the ear buds and smiled. The world was so calming when you had music and without it, life would feel so empty and boring.

My mind instantly drifted off to my most recent thoughts and memories. Thoughts swarmed all around me, making me panic. What had the Doctor done to Mabel? Was I ever going to understand what he's been hiding? Would I ever be as amazing as his other friends and companions?

I shook away all of my negative thoughts and tried to focus on everything else. Unfortunately, my mind refused to cooperate like it usually did and it took control over me. There were so many things that I had done wrong and nothing I did could stop it. Everyone that I knew was perfect in their own way except for me. Maybe meditation wasn't the best idea for me right now.

As I began to calm myself down, the sound of footsteps appeared and they seemed to be getting louder. If that was the Doctor, I was going to attack him for interrupting me. On second thought, attacking him would be the nicest thing that would happen to him. Watch your back, Doctor. Watch your back.

"Ooh! Are you meditating?" the Gallifreyan gasped, poking me repeatedly on the shoulder.

"Go away," I hissed, turning up the volume of my music.

I heard my friend giggle as he bounced around the room. Something crashed to the ground and was followed by a loud screech. This was why I tried to stay away from people. They always found a way to annoy others just because they thought that it would be fun to see their pain. Apparently, it was also the same on other planets.

"Aliyah, what are you listening to? I'm hungry we should go get food. Can we go somewhere?" the time lord pestered.

"Ask one more stupid question and I will rip out your throat!" I yelled as I slapped my friend in the face.

The Doctor placed his hands on his chest and gasped dramatically. "Yowzah! That's a bit harsh."

I swear to God, did he just say "yowzah"?

I picked up my phone and I stomped over to the door. As I opened it, a strong gust of wind blew into the TARDIS, pushing me against the wall. A piece of paper drifted out the door and it looked like the Doctor and I's handwriting. As I peered closer at it, I saw that it was addressed to ourselves. I reached out to grab it but I was too late. The letter was gone forever.

"Wait, no! We have to get that! I bet that it was important," my friend cried.

He kicked at the floor and crossed his arms in annoyance. I reached out and patted the one thousand year old child. Eventually he would calm himself down and he would be acting more like himself.

"Hey, maybe we should go somewhere. You can decide this time since I did last time," I offered.

The Doctor's disappointed look turned into a large grin as he skipped over to the TARDIS console. He flipped a few switches while hopping up and down with a cheer. The time lord yanked down on the lever and the time machine took off. Just a few moments later, we landed with a thump on the planet that my friend had brought us.

I opened the double doors and I looked at the... wall in front of me. There was a small gap between the time machine and the dark grey wall so we would be able to squeeze our way out without getting stuck. I motioned for the Doctor to go first and he was hesitant at first.

"I don't want to get stuck," he whispered nervously. "Can you go, please?"

I groaned and shoved myself out of the TARDIS so I wouldn't have to deal with his complaints. It only took one try for me to pop out on the other side while it took the Gallifreyan at least four. When he emerged, the Doctor leaned back onto the wall to catch his breath. I rolled my eyes and turned to see where we were.

"This looks dangerous," I said calmly. "Let's go see what we have to do."

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