~Chapter Sixty-seven~

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"I think that we should leave. These Sho people are kind of creeping me out," I said, putting my hands in the pocket of my hoodie.

"Well..." I gave my friend the most innocent face that I could make. "Oh, alright."

I cheered which caused for most of the people to turn towards us. Without a second thought, I took the Gallifreyan's hand and tugged him in the direction of the TARDIS. After a moment or two, I thought that I heard the sound of footsteps. Sure enough, a small group of Sho people were right behind my friend and I.

Their masks looked even scarier up close with their pale white surface and dark empty eyes. One of them had wilting flowers painted on their mask, another had gravestones, one had bones, and the last mask had fake blood oozing from cracks in the mask.

This place is really starting to scare me. All I want to do is get out of here as fast as I can.

I quickened my pace, trying to loose the four Sho in the masks. The Doctor noticed that my face had turned pale and he suggested that we rested somewhere. I shook my head and told him that I was fine. We had to get off this planet as fast as possible.

After a few minutes, I turned around again to see if we had finally lost them. Unfortunately, they were still there and now two more had joined in. Either these people really enjoyed scaring their guests or they were trying to get us to leave.

"We're leaving now so stop chasing us!" I ordered the masked people.

The six Sho froze for a second before walking towards us even faster. Maybe they were just having fun? Whatever they were doing, I had to get away from those dark, endless eyes.

I swerved to the left and found myself in a dead end. Oh we were so screwed now. The people blocked the only exit and began making their way towards the Doctor and I. I latched onto my friend's arm and squeezed my eyes shut.

There was a strange whisper coming from the direction of the Sho people and I opened my eyes again. They were slowly taking off their masks one by one. Their skin was the same color as mine but their heads were completely covered in eyes.

I screamed and ducked behind my friend. I poked my head out to see what was happening as the Doctor brought me out from my hiding place. He asked what the Sho people wanted but they didn't reply. The time lord tried a second time and an airy voice echoed from the Sho.

"We want your eyes," they said, reaching their bony hands towards us. "Give us your eyes."

I shook my head and moved closer to my friend. The six Sho hissed at me just as their hundreds of eyes flew out of their sockets. I yelped in fear and backed away from them. The Doctor's eyes widened in terror as the eyes began floating closer and closer to us.

"Why are you doing this?" the time lord questioned. "What's the point of taking people's eyes?"

What sounded like a choked laugh came from the Sho people. They stepped forwards and reached their arms to the ground. The people whispered that they needed the eyes of those who traveled to their planet so they could see. Whoever came to the Sho planet was an enemy of the people that lived there and they would be killed because of that.

With that, the group of Sho slid over to us, their eyes moving this way and that above their heads. Blood pooled around in the now empty sockets and dropped down to the dusty floor beneath us. The Sho's feet were stained red with each other's blood but they didn't seem to care.

"Ali, on the count of three, we are going to run back to the TARDIS," my friend murmured into my ear. "One, two, three."

We both ran past the floating eyes and the six shocked Sho people with a burst of speed. The Doctor was easily able to dodge their outstretched arms but I wasn't. Arms grabbed onto me from all sides and two hands reached for my eyes.

"Don't you dare touch her!" the Gallifreyan roared, pulling the masked people off of me.

One of the Sho raked its sharp fingernails down the side of my face just as the Doctor grabbed my hand and tugged me across the street. I felt warm blood pour down my face and over my right eye making it so I could only see out of one eye.

From behind me, I heard the sound of angry screams and saw a large crowd of Sho people chasing after the Doctor and I. My friend took my wrist and brought me to the time machine. At the touch of his fingers, I yanked my hand away from him and brought it to my chest with a yelp.

"What is it? What's wrong?" he asked nervously.

I whimpered and threw myself into the ship to get away from him. The horrible memory of what had happened just a few months ago burned its way into my mind.



"Doctor what is he—," I began.

"Get in the TARDIS now."

I tried to fight back but the time lord grabbed onto my wrist and threw me inside the time machine. The door slammed shut as I fell to the floor. I heard a loud snap and I winced. The wrist that the Doctor had been holding had broken during my fall.


The door creaked shut as my friend stepped inside the TARDIS. He looked down at me, curled up on the ground and holding my wrist to my chest. The Doctor still had the same confused expression on his face as he did before.

"What's wrong?"

I backed away from him so I was now squeezed into the corner. "Y-You were the one that broke my wrist. I d-didn't want to tell you."

My friend's face became as blank as a fresh sheet of paper, just waiting to be written on. He stood there peering down at me with no expression or feeling. I felt awful for telling him but the painful feeling that I would have whenever he touched me had become unbearable.

"Oh," the Doctor said before running off down the hall.

This was all my fault.

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