~Chapter Seventy-six~

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I skipped across the slippery street back to my flat. Along the way, I found myself humming along to the song that my friend and I had sung an hour ago. To me, it seemed like days had past since I last saw the Doctor but it had really been only a few minutes. Ever since he left, time seemed to be moving differently.

Tonight had been the best thing that had ever happened to me. Something about me singing with my best friend made the world brighter. He was amazing, fantastic, and the most brilliant man that I had ever met in my entire life. Wait, did I like the Doctor?

Oh no you don't, my mind snarled at me. It's called you're high on happiness. He's your friend and nothing else.

For some reason, these things always kept happening to me. I would start seeing people in a new way and then things like this would start up. It hadn't ended well last time so maybe I shouldn't agree to it this time. Last time I blew it. I wasn't going to risk my friendship with the time lord for something as silly and as pointless as this.

I stepped inside the entrance to my house and smiled. Being with the Doctor always gave me such incredible feelings. I dropped my keys onto the counter and twirled around in a circle.

Suddenly, there was the sound of someone muttering my name from behind me. I turned around and I saw that I was face to face with my brother. I screamed and backed into the wall.

"What are you doing here?" I shrieked. "You run off for who knows how long and now you come back during the middle of the night?"

My brother ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Well maybe I'm just meant to be alone. Everyone forgot I existed as soon as I left anyways."

When I asked him why he was here for the second, my brother replied that he had to show me something. He had been driving across England and when he was driving through a small town about an hour from Blackpool and that's when he found it. My brother had no clue what it was but he figured that I might.

"Aiden, you came to my flat just to show me something that's hours away from here AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT?!"

"I know it sounds crazy but you have to come with me right now. You're going to think I'm insane but it doesn't look like it's from Earth. It might be something from another world," my brother explained softly.

My eyes widened as Aiden said the words "from another word" and I told him to bring me there immediately. My brother agreed and the two of us walked outside to his car. I climbed in on the passenger side while Aiden insisted that he was driving. Little did I know that we would be driving for almost six hours.

After the first hour, I plugged in my headphones to my phone and started to listen to a playlist that I had made. Unfortunately, I finished all of the songs rather quickly and my phone had died shortly afterwards. Now that I had nothing to do, I became bored in a matter of seconds.

My thoughts instantly went to the Doctor and I was filled with worry. I had no way to contact him now that my phone was dead and I was on my way to the other side of the country. It was almost one and I was supposed to be meeting him at my flat at nine that morning. There was no way that I could make it to the town and back in time. My friend would be terrified when he saw that I was gone.

"Aliyah, what's wrong? You have that look on your face again," Aiden pointed out.

I placed my head in my hands. "It's my friend. I was supposed to meet him in eight hours but there's no way to tell him where I am. You don't have a phone and mine is dead."

I moaned and banged my head against the dashboard. Why did pain have to feel so good? It temporarily blinded you from the emotional pain so all you felt was the physical kind. I loved pain almost as much as I loved the D—

Shut up, Aliyah! What is wrong with you?! I yelled at myself.

"Why did you leave?"

Aiden exhaled deeply. "I couldn't take being stuck at home all the time. No matter what I did, I just felt trapped. I didn't want to leave you or mom or dad. I just wanted to start a new life where I could be free from my past. You wouldn't understand."

"Actually, I do," I said, earning a shocked look from my brother. "There's a lot that you don't know about me."

After that, we both both silent for the rest of the way until we got to the town. Aiden led me down a small hill to a flat grassy plain. It stretched on for a mile or so until the grass turns to sand and then the sea. At first, I didn't see anything until my brother gestured to a large shape in the grass. It was only a few feet tall and no longer than a bicycle.

I walked over to it and sat down on the ground next to the thing. It was only five in the morning so it was almost impossible to see anything. I searched my pockets for the small torch that I had brought with me and turned it on. What was in front of me was something that I never thought that I would have to see again.

"Aiden, whatever you do, don't take your eyes off of that thing. I'm going to do find a phone," I said as I ran towards the little town behind us.

It didn't take long to find an old telephone booth next to an inn. I dialed the Doctor's number and waited for him to pick up. The first time, he didn't pick up and the second time, the same thing happened. On the third, the Gallifreyan finally picked up his phone.

"Hello? Who is this?" he asked.

I told the time lord that it was me and where I was. To make sure that he knew that he needed to hurry, I decided to tell him what had happened.

"Doctor, my brother is back and... we found something that you need to see."

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