28. One Down

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28. One Down

I'm rarely left alone. Bastian makes it his point of duty I am never alone. I hated it and I hated him. I wanted him dead. I couldn't wait for him to drop dead. I would dance on his grave the minute he did. He was an evil man and no woman should be subjected to his evil ways. Five days. That's all it would take before I'm truly free of him. I'd already given him two dosages of the poison Salvador had given me. Two glorious days have passed. By the end of the week he'd be dead. I smiled to myself while brushing my hair carefully and gently.

My eyes met a pair of familiar blue eyes in the mirror, startling me. The brush slipped from my hand and I jumped to my feet almost knocking the chair over. I spun around and froze. How? My brain willed my mouth to form words but none came. After the way we left things the last time I saw him I was surprised to see him standing in front of me in my bedroom. He didn't wait for me to speak. He didn't need me to because he looked like he had a lot to say.

"Tell me Kara, is it true?"


Finally I could make my mouth move.

"Is it true," he shouted.

I jumped.

"Is what true?"

"Are you pregnant?"

"Fucking Salvador," I mumbled. I knew he couldn't be trusted.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes it does. It matters a whole fucking lot!"

I wanted to roll my eyes.

"Is it mine?"

"I think you already know the answer to that, otherwise you wouldn't be standing here in front of me right now."

"I want to hear it from you. I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me yourself that the child you are carrying is mine."

I remained quiet.

"Tell me!"

He was pissed. I don't think I've ever seen him so pissed before. I wanted to smile but knew I shouldn't.

He stepped closer to me. I could smell him. That unique Talon smell washed over me. My cunt quivered in need.

"Would it make a difference if it were yours?"

"What? Of course it would. How can you ask that?"

"You left me."

"Don't you dare say that! I went away to look for a solution to fix our problems."

"What did you think would happen when you left me here alone, Talon?"

"You weren't alone! I left you with family. They were supposed to protect you. You're the one that left the protection I provided to go marry this asshole!"

"Don't shout at me. I made that decision for you and your family. It was to save your family."

"Pack your things. You're not staying here a night longer."



"That's what I said. I'm not leaving. I have things I need to do."

"You mean kill him?"

I didn't say anything.

"There are other ways, better ways, ways that won't make you a murderer."

"It's too late. I've already started."

He mumbled something to himself before walking off. I knew this was his way of calming himself down.

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