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Ariana goes through a breakdown and Harry comes to comfort her.


Harry Styles bolts out of his car and up to the front steps of his girlfriend's home. Upon knocking, Joan Grande greets him.

"Is she okay?"

"She hasn't been out of her room for the whole day. She hasn't eaten, or drank anything, or gone to the washroom."

"Crap. Okay, what can I do?"

Today, one year ago, Ariana's grandpa had passed away. Ariana was not taking this particular day very well as many of her managers were also putting pressure on her to finish her next album sometime soon.

"Could you try talking to her?"

"Yeah, of course." Harry takes off his shoes and quietly walks up the stairs, trying to prep some sort of speech. Knowing Ariana though, he would not get through to her with a pep talk.

He leaned against the bed room door and knocked. "Babe?"

On the other side of the wall, Ariana Grande sat with her feet up to her chest, back leaning against the far side wall. Upon hearing the love of her life, she felt a tug to go to the door. Though, the sound of her other voices were strong enough to hold her back. "Go away Harry." She yells.

"Can I come in please?"

"No." Harry closes his eyes.

"Okay, well, I'm going to sit at the door then. Let me know if you need anything." He takes off his jacket and sits on the carpet floor, crossing his legs and leaning his back against the door. "I'm not going anywhere."

After a few minutes, Harry hears the sound of movement. Ariana had gotten up and moved so that she was directly behind the door as well. Both of them on separated by one piece of wood.

"He died." She said so painfully that it stung Harry's heart. He strongly believed that Ariana deserved all the happiness in the world, and he was determined to give that to her. Sadly, he also knew that death was one thing he could not control.

"I know." Was all that Harry could say. He heard Ariana sniffling.

"I can't think of anything else, H. I just.. I want to feel something. But all I can do is think about bad things." Ariana clenched her fists, feeling guilty for making everyone around her worry. "I don't want to burden you with my emo girl thoughts." They both laughed.

"You could never be a burden. Besides, I love your emo girl thoughts." Hearing Ariana attempt to hold in a giggle, but bursting out with another laugh makes Harry grin. "Can you please drink some water for me love? Just so I can have some peace."

After a few seconds, Harry hears the door click. He grabs the water bottle Joan had given to him and and passes it through the small crack in the door.

Harry pulls his hand away, not wanting to push his luck. However, he suddenly feels the grab of his girlfriend. Her much smaller fingers are lost in his. A small, but tender gesture is shared. Harry stopped questioning how it was possible to love someone so much a long time ago. Something as simple as a touch from Ariana made his stomach churn and his heart beat like a wild animal.

"Thank you for coming Harry." Ariana said. "I love you." She had said those three words before, but today, she truly knew what it felt to be loved at her lowest. A year ago, the pop star thought she didn't deserve such thing, then Harry crashed into her life and reminded her of what hope feels like.

"I love you too. And I'll be right here when you decide that you're ready to come out." Ariana felt his lips on her hand and smiled. They stayed like this for an hour, Harry nearly falling asleep. Finally, the door opened a little bit more. "There she is."

Joan grinned as her daughter walked down the stairs and sat at the kitchen table, Harry still holding her hand. A few days ago, Harry had asked for her blessing to marry Ariana. Seeing their love before her very eyes only made her more certain that her daughter would be loved and cared for by this man forever.


hariana imagines / h.s + a.gDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora