the ex-husband p. 3

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For the next two days, Harry disappeared from the earth. Not a single soul could get in contact with him. He wasn't at home, wasn't at work, he couldn't be found. I tried everything.

"So where's your boyfriend?"

"Be honest with me. Just once. Did you say something to him?" I sit across from him at the dinner table. Steven had come over again to see Luna, and seemed amused by my agitation.

"He left?" I look away. "He made the right call, it seems. So does that mean we can finally be a family again?"

I reach into my pocket, sliding a velvet box across the table with our ring. "We'll always be a family. But it's over." Steven freezes. "This has nothing to do with what happened to Harry. This is about me. I don't love you anymore. And you deserve to be with someone who loves you."

I can see the disappointment on his face, and with my last bit of courage, I quickly add, "I want to keep this peaceful between us. If you want to see Luna, you are free to come over. But she stays with me." I make sure to stare at him dead in the eyes. "And if you even try, even think about taking her away from me, I'll fight you with everything I got." My ex-husband is quiet for a long time.

"You've changed."

"I had to." He flinched, finally seeing me.

"For what it's worth, I never wanted to hurt you. I never meant to. And I'm sorry."

We decided to set up times for him to see Luna. We would co-parent, and all the money he had tried to transfer to me would instead be set up as a fund for her. It is everything I hoped would happen, a peaceful ending.

After Steven left, all I could think about was Harry. What could have caused him him leave so suddenly, just like Steven had? Then, after his third day of being off the grid, I found him sitting on the front porch. Luna pointed at Harry, obviously recognizing who it is and requested to be set down so she could run to him.

"Hey, sweetie." They greeted each other as if he hadn't disappeared. I walk over to him, grocery bags in my hand. "Hi." My insides are fighting. While I'm just glad he's safe, I'm also furious. However, the second he wraps his arms around me, I melt.

"God, were you trying to make me lose my mind?" He chuckles. I shake my head, ready to scold him some more.

"I'm fine. I just needed some space and time to think, just like you did."

"I understand. But you still could've let me know. I was worried sick."

"I'm sorry." I notice the coldness of his voice. The tiredness. Had he slept at all? "I have something important to tell you." Luna is playing with her ball in the yard, just a few feet from us.

"What is it?"

Harry Styles

I've spent two days trying to prepare for this moment. After hearing her conversation with Niall, I knew she was on the ropes, trying to decide what to do. While it hurt me, I also grew an understanding for her situation. She has Luna to look out for. There are 10 years of feelings between her and Steven.

hariana imagines / h.s + a.gWhere stories live. Discover now