shopping frustrations

377 15 5

Harry complains that Ariana takes too long to shop.


Harry Styles

The cigarette rests between my lips. I take a long inhale of the poison as I lift my other hand to check the clock.

2 hours.

How a small human like her can spend that much time walking is ridiculous to me.

I finally decide to head into the mall after finding out that she's looking at clothes for our friend Niall's birthday.

"Hey." She smiles when she sees me. Ariana Grande, probably the most loving and beautiful woman I have ever met. Also, the most indecisive. "Which shirt do you think Nialler will like more?"

"This one." I pick in two seconds. Ariana frowns, staring at our options for a second longer before agreeing with me. We walk towards the register as I ask, "where are your other clothes?"

"I couldn't find anything that I liked." My eyes widen.

"But you were in here for two hours!" She shrugs. "Jesus." I mumble. We're about ten feet away from the cashier when Ariana spots something.

"Wait, what if he likes this one more?" She picks out a similar shirt, but in a slightly different pattern. I sigh.

"Any will do. Can you please just hurry? I'm fucking starving." Ariana lowers the shirts.

"Harry, I'm just trying to make sure it's a good gift."

"Yeah, well, I was trying to have a good day off but instead I've been sitting like an idiot in the car, waiting for you." She gives me a look that I know well, the 'I'm definitely not going to get lucky for a while' look. It's followed by her lower lip trembling, which immediately makes my chest heavy. Fuck.

"Fine. Let's go then." She doesn't bother to buy any of the shirts, walking out of the store. I blink, the. chase after her to the parking lot.

Her arms are crossed as she waits for me to unlock the car. "Babe, I didn't mean to upset you." She doesn't respond.

As I'm driving, I try to reach for Ariana's hand. She denies me. We stop by Starbucks, after I pick up some burgers from a drive-thru. "Do you want anything?" I make sure to keep my tone nice and calm.

"No." I bite my lower lip, knowing that she was only saying this out of spite. I order her favourite drink anyways, hoping to get some kind of reaction. "I told you I didn't want anything."

"Who said it was for you?" She considers reacting, but figures it's what I want and opts to glare at me instead. The drink sits in the cup holder the whole ride home. Ariana doesn't bother to wait for me and walks into our bedroom.

I scratch my neck. I'm not apologizing for this one. Every time we go shopping, we spend way too long at the mall, only for her to decide not to get anything for herself. After our tenth trip together, I started to wait for her in the car, not wanting the soreness in my legs.

Ariana doesn't come down for the rest of the day. The frustration starts to grow inside me. While I'm lounging on the couch, I hear her quiet footsteps. From the corner of my eyes, I see her put something on the table. She grabs some water and heads back upstairs.

As quickly as I can, I head into the kitchen. On the counter is a bag. I open it.

"Babe, do you like these sunglasses?" Ariana points at them through the glass. I am only half paying attention, my legs tired from walking through ten stores.

"Yeah, they're nice."

"You aren't even looking." She pouts. I sigh and take a good look at them. They are pretty sleek. I nod, admiring them in the display. "They would look so good on you." I chuckle, kissing her briefly.

"We should be saving money to get the house, remember?"

"Fine, you're right. I'll get them for you after then."

We bought the house a few weeks ago. These sunglasses are just like the ones we saw, maybe even better.

My head drops. I'm an asshole. I walk up the stairs slowly, knowing I'm going to have to sweet talk a lot to get out of this ditch.

Ariana is sitting on the bed, using her laptop. She notices me and doesn't say anything. I lie down next to her on my stomach. She scoots away from me slightly when I poke her.

"Ariana.." There's half a speech in my head already but she interrupts me before I can even begin.

"Do you think I can't get in a car and drive to the mall by myself? You think I need you to be my taxi driver, waiting for me in the parking lot?" I blink. "Why do I ask you to come with me, on your day off, to go to the mall?"

To spend time with me. To find out what I like so you can surprise me with presents.

There's a reason Ariana is known as the best gift-giver in our circle. She spends a lot of effort and time to pick out exactly what we like. Her indecisiveness is only because she cares so much.

Her eyes are watering as she waits for my reply. I have none. I'm guilty as charged. "Maybe I should just stop trying, then we can both save time." My head shakes rapidly. I move close enough to wrap my arms around her.

"Please don't stop trying." Ariana doesn't fight me this time. A tear slides down her cheek. I wipe it away immediately. "I'm sorry. I have the perfect woman and I haven't appreciated you like I should. It won't happen again."

She sniffles. "You do cherish me. I'm not actually mad. I know you work hard, and you just wanted to do something else on your day off." Even when I'm in the wrong, she stills defends me. "You don't have to come with me to the mall anymore."

"Nope. I want to. I want to do whatever you want to do." Ariana finally smiles. My body relaxes. I kiss her multiple times, her grin growing with each one. "I'm so in love with you."

"Yeah, yeah. Get off me now."

"No." I groan, staying still. "Do you love me?" I ask after a few seconds. She rolls her eyes.

"I married you, didn't I?" I keep waiting. "Yes, I love you. Even when you make me angry." Ariana pinches my cheek. "We didn't get a gift for Niall though."

"Looks like we're going to the mall tomorrow."


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