bodyguard (also a book now!)

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Might turn this into a story.. Let me know what you think after you read this!

Harry Styles is hired to protect Ariana Grande, niece of billionaire Jack Grande. When enemies come their way, Harry makes a bold sacrifice.


Harry Styles

"I'm telling you, this is a bad idea. From a professional stand point, sir." Mr. Jack Grande nods.

"Are you going to be the one to tell my niece that her gala to raise money for orphans should be canceled?" I gulp, turning my head to see Miss. Grande organizing the tables and chairs. She looks agitated as it is.

"I will call for back up."

"Good choice." I don't know how I was convinced by Ariana to go through with this event. A gala for over 300 people. The perfect time for an enemy to strike.

Ever since I started this job, it's been a series of close calls. We almost got into an "accident" on the road. Ariana nearly got lost on her hike. All this, and her parents' enemies are still after her life for mistakes that aren't her own.

I head to her. "Miss.." The beauty turns to me, frowning.

"You know, you can call me Ariana."

"That would be unprofessional."

"You've watched me sleep. I think we're past that Styles." She brushes the lint off my shirt. "What's up?"

"I will have men posted at every entrance and I'll also have some backstage during the performances to ensure all goes smoothly. All guests will require a ticket to enter and will be searched in case of any weapons."

"If you must." She sighs. Ever since I've gotten here, I know she feels like she's been stripped of her freedom. And sadly, I could not tell her otherwise.

"Ariana! You haven't changed yet?" Rose, her best friend, quickly pulls her away. The brunette turns back for a second to wave at me, grinning. Strangely, I find myself smiling back.

As the evening fell upon us, I felt more stress than ever before. People came in waves. No one seems to be suspicious as my other co-workers do not alert me of dangers. However, I could feel a storm brewing. Something is going to happen tonight. My mark has not yet returned from changing but I made sure a female co-worker was keeping watch outside the washroom.

Suddenly, the room lights dim. Everyone hushes and goes back to their seats. I've never seen so many famous and wealthy people in one place. As the crowd turns to silence, an angel steps onto the stage.

I held my breath as Ariana shyly approaches the microphone. She has on a flowing silver dress that shows off her small waist and has a slit that gives view to her sparkling shoes.

"Hi!" The whole crowd giggled at her enthusiasm. I put my hands behind my back, smirking as she introduces herself and thanks the audience for coming. Then, Ariana introduces a teenager to the stage, who strides to the piano to play a song. As Ariana walks off the stage, I let out a breath of relief. Maybe this night will go smoothly afterall.

After a few performances, I walk backstage to where the host of the night stood, stressing over timelines and gift bags. "Anything I can do?"

"I'm fine." I roll my eyes.

"Everyone is enjoying themselves. Take a breath, love." Her eyes meet mine. "This is the last performance. And then you'll be finished. You just have to introduce the international cellist that you invited from New York."

hariana imagines / h.s + a.gWhere stories live. Discover now