i promise

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Harry tells his daughter a story about Ariana.


I flipped through the pages of the documents my assistant had just sent me. My eyebrows furrowed as I made corrections.

As I rolled my chair to the other side of the room to grab a pen, I looked up to check the time. 11:30 p.m.

For the next few minutes, I zone into my work, wanting to finish as soon as possible so I could rest. Just as I was finished editing a report, I heard the sound of the floorboards crack.

My eyebrow raises as I pretend not to hear it. Another crack.

"Darcy Styles." I spin my chair to find my 6 year old daughter grinning at me. "You better have a good reason why you're not in bed."

"You didn't tell me a story." Her eyes hold light, even in the dark room. "And I'm hungry."

"That's a horrible reason." I grumbled as I lifted her up in the air. She giggles. After grabbing 2 oreos, I rebrush her teeth and take her back to her room.

"Tuck me in please!" I follow her commands, then sit at the edge of her bed.

"What book are we interested in tonight Miss Darcy?"

"I don't want a book tonight." I turn my head to face her, confused. "Can you tell me a story about mommy?" My breathing stops for a second. "You haven't told me one in a long time."

"Because you've already heard them all." I push the flyaways in her face behind her ear.

"Tell me another. Anything else."

"Okay. How about I tell you a story about the day you were born?" She nods enthusiastically.

It was a December night. Snow fell from the skies as I desperately tried to keep the car from going out of control. Ariana cried in pain as her contractions started.

"Almost there honey!" I tried to soothe her.

"Shut up! This is all... your fault!" I couldn't help but laugh.

I grabbed the nearest wheelchair after we parked and rolled my screaming wife inside. The nurses were able to get us a private room. I helped Ariana onto the bed and held her hand as we awaited the doctor.

"I can't do this H. What if I'm a terrible mother?" She had tears in her eyes. "What if I let her down?" I pulled her forehead against mine.

"Never. You are going to be great. And she is going to love you so much." Her head nodded.

"She's going to have your hair." Ariana laughed.

"Your eyes." I responded, nudging her.

"Your smile." She poked at my dimples.

"Your heart." I said back, much softer this time. "She's going to be so beautiful."

After hours of labour, our daughter was born. The doctors immediately helped to wrap her up and gave her to Ariana, who was dying to hold our newborn in her arms.

Once everything was settled, I walked up to my family.

"You were great baby." I kiss my wife's forehead. "Hi, you." Darcy Styles. My daughter. "I can't believe you're really here." Ariana laughed. She was sweaty and exhausted, the doctors had promised her a few minutes of alone time.

"Can you grab me a towel please Harry?" I nodded, leaving the room.

On my way back, I heard Ariana's voice. Quietly, I leaned against the wall. Who was she talking to?

"Promise me you won't tell your dad this, alright? I already know I'm going to love you more than I've ever loved anyone. And it's only been like ten minutes. And if I'm being honest, I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. I don't exactly have a lot of experience with being a mother. But, I promise you Darcy, I will do my best. From the minute the doctor placed you in my arms, I already decided there isn't anything I wouldn't do to make you happy."

I felt tears rolling down my face as I ended the story. Darcy sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck. "I miss her."

"I do too. Want to sleep with me tonight?" I ask softly. She nods.

That night, when Ariana fell asleep. I picked up Darcy in my arms. "I know your mom made you a promise tonight. I have one for you too. I promise to always be there to support you. I promise to protect you, always. You will never be alone."

As we walked down the hall get in my empty, cold bed, I wrapped my arms my daughter. I turned to click off the light and caught a glance of Ariana's wedding ring next to the photo of Ariana and I at the park. "It's been 2 years and I still miss you like crazy. Ever since you've been gone, I've felt a hole in my heart. I made a promise to make sure Darcy would never feel alone. Little did I know, she would be the one to protect me and put me back together."

"She's got your hair." I could hear Ariana's gentle voice in the dark.

"Your eyes." I whispered.

"Your smile." My head turned to my sound asleep daughter.

"Your heart."


hariana imagines / h.s + a.gWhere stories live. Discover now