fake marriage p.3

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I could barely focus at my office the next day after Arana kissed my cheek. All I could picture were her hands around me, the softness of her lips, and how she gave me the smallest smile after pulling away. Maybe she does like me after all.

After another coffee, I get back to my building, which should have my full attention. My masterpiece. My career goal, all sketched out in 5 different blueprints. Hours go by without me noticing. It's nearly 2 a.m. Quickly, I pack my things and head home. Ariana is already asleep.

Perhaps I'll get up early tomorrow and surprise her with breakfast.

1 hour before Ariana woke up...

I woke up with the intention to make Ariana some french toast and also to rehearse how I'm going to tell her how I feel. After 18 months of hiding the truth, I was ready to put my heart on the line.

My dream fell apart the second I picked up the magazine that had arrived at my front door. I could barely breathe. I stared at the photos, torturing myself. She has a wide smile on her face as she stands next to Issac, the type of smile that I want framed anytime she has it on because of me.

At first, I clenched my fists, angry and hurt beyond words. It isn't until I sit for a while in absolute silence that I remember our reality. We were never truly married. She doesn't owe me loyalty, not really. However, it kills me that she said they were only friends, when it's obvious that it is not just that.

My lawyers call me. I consider not picking up, wanting to wait for Ariana to wake up first. But without thinking, I answer. They ramble on for about five minutes on a topic I don't care about. "Just tell me what to do."

"We can sue her, Mr. Styles. She broke the contract that you signed at the beginning of your marriage. Not to mention, you can charge her for damage done to you emotionally and also to your reputation." I close my eyes. I couldn't care less about the money. How do I fix the damage done to my heart?

"No, I don't want to. I just-" I want to be selfish. I want to be with her, still, for the remainder of our agreement. Even if she doesn't love me. Even if she has hurt me. But if I love her, I should let her be happy with Issac. "Just file for a divorce. And pay her, please. However much is reasonable. I'll deal with my parents." I hang up, feeling tears running down my cheeks. Suddenly, I hear the sound of her room door opening. She skips downstairs, looking to be in a good mood.

"There is someone I want you to meet." Niall told me, pointing at a girl sitting at the bar. "She's my friend, and she needs help. I think she should be your fake wife."

"I don't think so, Niall." My eyes remain on the stranger not so far away. After a second look, I can't help but notice her evident beauty. "I don't even know her. And besides, Kendall-"

"Kendall Schmendall. You don't even like her anymore. Why marry your ex, when out there is the person you're meant to be with? Ariana, is a good start. She's your second chance."

"Maybe you're right."


I race up the stairs, banging on her locked door. "Ariana, please." I am such an idiot.

"But the one that I am in love with, the one that I was in love with, is you. Not that you care."

She opens the door, somehow with a suitcase filled up already. "I still have a few things. I can come when you're working so you don't have to see me."

"Stop." I block her path. It's her turn not to face me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She shrugs, as if this situation no longer matters.

"I'm more sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be the wife that you wanted." I shake my head, ready to get on my knees to beg for forgiveness. "You can tell your lawyers that I'll say whatever they want to the public. Just email me or something-" Ariana pushes past me, but I quickly grab her arm.

hariana imagines / h.s + a.gWhere stories live. Discover now