The Other Way

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You were forced awake by your mom and Allen. At least mom woke you up gently - Allen surged on you. He attacked you to get up. You wanted to scream because not only did he jump on you, he pinned your hands, especially the hand you poked with a sharp knife. You prayed the white sheets weren't coated with blood as you slowly got off of bed to see the sheets were. You realized that last night you forgot about your finger and jumped to bed. This made your skin loose color. What if your mom were to see this? As you were trying to cover up the blood, your parents held a conversation.

"Let's go downstairs to eat breakfast!" Your mom called out,

"Why can't y/n just make breakfast?" Allen complained.

"She isn't your maid." Your dad kicked in, "Now shut up and come."

"Now now dear," Your mom looked at your dad, "That isn't how to talk to your son."

"How else is he going to listen?" Your dad asked.

"Wouldn't it be better if you were a little nice to him?"

"Nice isn't in his dictionary." Your dad shrugged. "That's how he is. Don't know where he gets it from."

"I wish I knew too."

Honestly if the conversation is about Allen you couldn't care less. Right now you are in a panic, the blood was already dry and stained to the sheet. It wasn't much blood because you only pricked it but it was concerning.

"y/n?" You heard your mother call you. You immediately covered the dry blood stain with your blanket and looked at your mom

"Lets go." Your mother gestured you to get off the bed,

"Yeah.....yeah." You nodded, grabbed your and ran to the bathroom to change. You had plans today.

And oh boy you are going to do them.


"Hey mom." You looked at your mom,


"Is it okay that before we hiked, I went to that fortune teller?"


"I want to clarify a couple of things." You lied

"ooh, did she tell you something that interested you?" Your mother was now interested in the fortune teller, "What did she tell you? Did she tell you about a lover? Your success in life?"

"Uh...well sort of." You blushed, "J-Just can I go?"

"Well...okay." Your mother had a smile, "But after the hike I am going over there and hear my fortune, deal?"

"Haha, deal." You nodded your head and pinkie promised your mom. You felt your blood pumping with excitement. Finally, you can pull Monika into your reality.

"Hah, fortune tellers are crap." Allen smirked,

"No one asked for your opinion." You rolled your eyes

"Don't need to, I know you already want to know." Allen's smirk grew just a little.

"I hear if you assume things for others it helps making you feel better," You smirked, "Does someone have a boo boo?"

"...No." Allen frowned,

"Does someone need to call the Baby Ambulance?" You cooed,

"No. Stop it." Allen narrowed his eyes,

"Help! 911! Allen has a booboo! Quick! Take him to the operating room!" You smirked. Your dad started to laugh, your mother held back a giggle. She cleared her throat,

Just You and Monika.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu