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for: lifelime
you're on a date when you guys get arrested for something dumb, and the guys have to bail you out.

you and jack were originally going to go see a movie at the theater but fate had other plans. the movie theater ended up being closed for renovations.
"huh. well that's perfect." you shrugged.

"kinda is. wasn't really in the mood to sit in darkness for 3 hours." he turned away from the doors to face you.

"much like you do at home?"
"shut up."

you both end up walking around your town, shoving each other around, laughing.

"oh, look, starbucks!"
"jack, you've said that for every starbucks we've passed."
"and i'll keep going until you let me take us inside."
"you're so stupid."

and the mistake was made as jack grabbed your hand and dragged you across the street to starbucks.

"hey, hey you two!" an unfamiliar voice yelled.


"shit, jack, what did you do?"
"nothing i know of!"

you both turned and smiled sweetly.
"yes, officer?"

"you are aware there is no crosswalk here?"

jack faked surprise.
"well i could have sworn there was just a second ago."

you made a sympathetic face.
"thank you for your concern, officer. we won't do it again."
you grab jacks arm and start to drag him away, whispering curses.

"hey! there's a fine for this!" the officer yells.

jack whips around, actually shocked. "there's a fine?! for crossing the street in the wrong place?! i'm not paying. she's not paying. no way."

you reach over and hit his chest, hissing his name.

he just smirks.

which is how you both ended up sitting in a holding cell at the police station. jack sits flat on the ground with his back against the wall. you rest half across his lap because, "the floor is too cold for you, just sit on me"
he has his head buried in your hair, all his energy from earlier suddenly gone as he whispers half-hearted insults about the cop that arrested you who is now staring you both down, making you quietly giggle.

the quiet tension of the room is broken when a few certainly familiar boys burst in, talking loudly, complaining about being woken up to bail you two out.

"can't we just leave them here?" jonah groans.

"cmon you guys, who'd you kill this time?" zach chokes on his laughter.

"i told y'all to burn the body not bury it" corbyn whines.

and of course a tired daniel who is in all seriousness, concerned and very confused.

"wait wait wait you guys kiLLED SOMEONE?"

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