
288 17 2

for: lifelime
you both take a 23andme test and find out you're VERY distantly related.

a/n: i have zero clue how 23andme tests work so bear with me if this isn't accurate. and please correct me if i get family members wrong.

you'd probably just get the kits because corbyn was home for a while, and you were both bored at home. and the day they came, you were ripping through the packages to get your results.
you were both sitting cross-legged on the hardwood floor, with papers splayed all around you. laughing, you'd yank test results out of his hands when he'd read them in the oddest voices. he smiled as he picked up your results and scanned them.
"hey, look at this, this says you're 10% dutch."
corbyn squinted his eyes.
you read over other papers talking about your genetics. "oh yeah? what ancestor did i have over there?"
"adriaen vol." you now turn to corbyn, brows furrowed.
he looks at you shocked.
"vol? no way, let me see that." you take the paper out of his hands.
"my mom never mentioned any adriaen guy." he takes out his phone.
"god, corbyn, we better not be cousins or something."
corbyn laughs. "i'm calling my mom, hang on."
corbyn walks out, leaving you to thumb through his papers for any other connection.
a while later he returns to find you stretched across the couch on your phone, which you set down once he walks in.
corbyn lifts your legs and crashes down underneath them, setting them back down on top of him.
"so, good news, my mom did some searching and adriaen vol was her great-grandpas second cousin."

you smile at corbyn teasingly.
"so what i'm hearing is i shouldn't break up with you."
"nope. please don't."
"gosh dang it."
corbyn fakes a shocked face and you sit up to kiss him.
"joking, i'm joking!"

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