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a/n: two updates in the same 24 hours? who am i?
requested on tumblr and then brought here.

you had always seen the tattoo on the side of his torso. when you lay in bed you would trace a finger over the jagged spikes and dips in the sound waves. "what's this? i don't think i've seen this one before." "just some sound waves. i got em a couple weeks back." "oh. they look sick." he laughed. "yeah?" "yeah. very nice. nice like ice." you sniffed. "okay, you need sleep. go to bed." he settled his cool fingers on your hip and you were out in a flash.

when you broke up, you spent nights in your bed going through every memory you had of him. the polaroids in your room. the videos he used to take when he stole your phone. all the voicemails he left you when he was on tour. your finger hit the sent button and you wiped your nose. you went to go back to the received, but something caught your eye. it was the sound waves of a voicemail you had sent him a year into your relationship. you knew the sound waves. they were the ones you had fallen asleep admiring for so many nights. with shaky fingers, you pressed play.

"zach, baby. i got a dog. i know, i know, you didn't want to get one yet, but YOU HAVE TO SEE HIM. he's fluffy, and tiny,  and i swear, i couldn't control it, I HAD TO! his name is bear, i love you, he's a pomeranian, and i love you, and he's got black fur, and i really love you! call me when you boys get to new york. i love you i love you i love you!"

your tears hit the screen as you shakily dialed a phone number you had memorized long ago.

"y/n? is that you?" his voice was creaky and scratchy, just like your own. "did you get rid of the tattoo?"

"what?" "the voicemail. is it gone?" "no. god, no. never." "i can't believe you let me keep bear." his laugh that followed was weak, and you could tell he'd been crying as hard as you had. "with that many i love you's, how could i not?" "i meant all of them." there was a pause and you could hear him crying on the other end. "would you mean them again?" his voice cracked. "i don't know, is there a puppy involved?" you joked, but your voice was shaky and tears slipped down your cheeks. "y/n." "fine. yes, i love you, a thousand times." silence. "zach? do you..." "god, i love you. i'll get you as many dogs as you want, but please. please come back." you shut your eyes and let the tears flow freely. "y/n?" "come over. please."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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