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for: lifelime
there's a fire and someone rescues you, only it was all a false alarm.

"FIRE, FIRE!" you screamed out of your apartment window as the room filled with smoke. coughing, you caught a lot of attention. a few seemed to be calling 911, thank god. one boy, in question seemed to take off.
you ran again to your, jiggling the knob but it must have been jammed, for it didn't budge.
there was a thud from the other side.
"HEY! HEY, THE DOORS JAMMED." you yelled.
another thud made the door shake.
and another one broke the lock, popping the door open.
arms grabbed you out pulled you out of the smoked up room.
a kind face scanned yours.
"hey, are you okay? do you know what caused the fire?"
you shook your head and the boy wrapped one arm around you to help you down the flight of stairs, but your steps were wobbling from fear. so he picked you up and rushed downstairs.
he set you down and you managed to calm down a little bit.
the boy bit his lip.
"i'm daniel, by the way."
you waited as the firefighters exited your room and walked downstairs very carefree, as if they did not enter the room.
one approached you.
"did the fire cause much damage?"
"there was no fire, you just left eggs on the stove for too long. the smoke should air out."
blushing, you turned to face daniel. "imsosorry, i overreacted i did-"it's fine." he interrupted, smiling.
"i'd rather have taken the chance and gone up to get you for a fake fire then let you stay in there i'm a real one."

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