
227 13 8

for: retromarais
one for daniel where they go to the beach and he proposes

it was such a gorgeous day out. it would have been an absolute waste not to do something with it. but it was daniel's idea to go to the beach for sunset. he seemed overly excited, repeatedly suggesting it as you dragged through a list of options until you finally agreed. when sunset rolled around, daniel and you had been cruising around and finally pulled up to the beach. "wow." you stepped out of the car shutting the door behind you.
the sun seemed huge, and hovered over the endless blue sea.
daniel grabbed your hand, lightly tugging you towards the sand.
it was these moments that you loved the most, the quiet ones where you could just enjoy each other. silence, but not awkward silence. things were never awkward with you and daniel, not even when you had first met.
you stared out at the ocean, mesmerized by the tossing of the waves, deep blue yet still reflecting the fiery orange of the huge sun in the sky.
as the sun began to dip behind the horizon, daniel quietly let his hand slip out of your grasp. you didn't notice, too involved with how the orange ball seemed to shimmer and shake as it settled into the horizon.
you didn't notice daniel pull the velvety box out of his back pocket as he knelt into the sand.
but you and your noise-trained ears noticed the shaky breath he took, breaking the silence.
you turned to face him and gasped.
"y/n, i know you're not one for long speeches and you enjoy your quiet. but every moment with you is never silence for me, because they all just scream out about how much i need you. and i- i know that it'll be hard because of your work and, and my work but i need to know that even when it gets hard, i'll always have you. so i'm asking you to ensure that for us. that i'll always have you, and you'll always have me. marry me?"

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