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for: heartstringsherron
boy! zach, scene! long distance because of your, both parties missing each other a whole lot and planning on meeting up but maybe plans go sideways?

"okay, what about...next saturday?"
"no, i have a friend's grad party. that wednesday?"
"we'll be on the bus all day."
you groaned. "zach, we're both so busy. maybe we should just give up on trying to meet up, none of these dates are working!"
"no, c'mon. i need to see you. i miss you, y/n." he whined.
"i know, i know. i miss you too," you huffed, "this
is all just a bit frustrating."
"i get it, love. i feel it too. but i'd rather deal with that right now than have to deal with not being able to see you."
even thousands of miles away, through a facetime call, he knew exactly how to calm you down.
"shush with your logic. i love you."
zach smiled.
"i'm sorry, what was that?"
"you heard me, idiot."
"i don't think i did."
"you are so lame!"
"that's definitely not what you said."
you smiled and looked down at the laminated calendar in your lap.
"hey, what about two days from now?" he spoke.
"i don't know, i probably have-"y/n, check for me."
"oh my gosh, i'm free this week."
"i'm a genius!"
"ok, i have to pack!"
"i'll book your tickets!"
"zach..." your tone was warning.
"y/n! let me!"


you sprinted out of that plane.
"excuse me, needa get through, if i could just..."
you dashed through the airport and stopped at the baggage claim.
after a very thorough check of the belt, you determined your bag was, in fact, not there.
the people at the information office were no help either.
but, luckily, you spotted a lady walking away with your bag.
"excuse me?! sorry, that's my bag!"
she hadn't been trying to steal it, just took the wrong one by mistake. you left the airport and grabbed a cab, heading straight for the venue. because your flight had taken off late, the boys would already be at the venue.
traffic was horrible the whole way to the arena, and you must've sat through at least 30 minutes worth of traffic jams.
you basically sprinted to the entrance of the arena, but were immediately cut off by a guard.
"i'm sorry, ma'am. you can't go in there."
"no, no. one of the boys playing tonight is my boyfriend. i'm supposed to go see him."
"do you have a ticket?"
"a ticket? yes, a ticket!" you scrambled around in your coat pocket to pull out the slip of paper.
"h- here. please."
the guard glanced at the ticket before returning it to you and allowing you inside the arena. the entrance was nearly empty, which meant the show was about to start.
you flung the doors open and raced down to your seat. the show went well, the boys sang wonderfully. zach seemed a little off though, and you knew why. his eyes kept searching the sea of people, and no matter how much you tried to get them to, they wouldn't land on you.
once the show was over you rushed backstage.
"excuse me, i need to get back there?"
you pulled out your ID, and the guard squinted at it before returning it back to you.
"sorry, only authorized personnel allowed here."
you stepped away, whipping out your phone to text zach.
hey, come get me? i'm at the entrance for backstage.
no reply.
you texted jack.
hey, zach's not answering, can you come get me from backstage?
oh, yeah. his phone died, i'll come get you.
you smiled.
jack ran up behind the guard.
"hey, she's with me. she can come in."
"i apologize, sir. i'm not allowed to let anybody in at all."
"but she's authorized."
"even then."
jack gave you a sad look.
"zach's phone will probably charge back up soon. text him and figure out where to meet up after all this."
you sighed, "okay. thanks, jack."
he nodded and headed back.
you waited about fifteen minutes before texting zach, assuming he needed time for his phone to recharge.
hey, sorry about the hassle with security. where do you wanna meet?
failed to send
you frowned at your phone. no service? damn it.
you sighed and sat on a park bench, nearing tears. all you wanted was to be able to see your boyfriend, and you'd barely even talked to him today. you spotted a small diner, and walked over. the bell above the door jingled as you entered.
"hey, she's probably going to text you in like five minutes."
now that voice sounded familiar. you frowned.
"yeah, she probably doesn't have signal," another voice spoke. that was a familiar story.
"i- i just really want to see her."
and that voice sounded amazing right now. your jaw dropped as your eyes found the booth they were sat at. you could've said something, walked over. but you were in too much shock, seeing the ever-so-welcoming floof of hair in person. corbyn made eye contact with you first.
his eyes widened and his mouth dropped for a second.
"you might see her a lot sooner than you think."
the boys looked at him confused. daniel followed his gaze and grinned widely, waving to you.
zach picked his head up from the table, giving corbyn an unamused look.
still staring at you, he smacked zach's shoulder twice and pointed.
and zach looked.
you both stared at each other, 20 feet apart, frozen in shock.
"holy shit. get out!" zach shoved daniel out of his seat next to zach in the booth. he bolted towards you and before you could process it, you were engulfed in a soft gray t-shirt and a very familiar smell of sunshine, fresh grass and a faint whiff of cologne.
his hands were on your back, pinning you against him.
"oh my god!" he laughed. "oh my god!"
"hello to you too, zach."

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