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When I'm able to see again, I'm greeted with images and voices too real to be made up.

It begins in a place so beautiful I'd have thought it had to be Asgard, but my senses know better than to think it was a sanctuary. I look around, attempting to pick out faces, sounds, even just clothing to remember anyone by, but everyone around me is dressed in too similar attire for me to pick any certain one out. The faces blur when I try to place them, leaving me strictly to my own thoughts. This isn't my first time being trapped in a nightmare, but it's the first time I haven't been able to pick anything out. Why can't I pick anything out?

Finally, a siren blares, and everyone around me rushes in, creating a feeling of vertigo as I follow myself toward the center. I watch as my body trips and falls only to be yanked back up again by someone with long, black curled hair, the tips of it melting to pink. I try to place her but fail to, though I know I've seen someone like her before. She shouts something to me as she runs off, but just like everything else around me, I'm unable to make out what she says. I continue running only to trip once more, but this time instead of getting back up, I'm placed in another image. I gasp at the solace, but find that my relief is misplaced.

I'm placed on top of a body, my arms cradling it as it takes its last breath. My eyes widen, and though I'm able to see where I am and find distinct landmarks, I can't figure out who lays in my arms. My hands are blood-stained and woven through the man's brown hair, and I feel tears streak my face as a grief-stricken scream comes from behind me. My right side throbs with a pain I had never felt before, making me gasp out of reflex. I crouch over the body and release a sob as my mind flips to the next scene.

I'm seated next to the girl with the pink hair once again, though this time she seems anything but friendly. She looks at me coldly before speaking, her voice coming out pained but stern. 

"You might not know it yet, but alliances just drag you down. I'm not interested," I hear her say as she stands and walks off, and I feel my throat get thick as I try to talk.

"Wait," I finally manage out, "I know where your friend is." My voice sounds raw and comes out quiet and scratchy, but she hears and turns. My hands shake as I force out one last sentence, my mind already threatening to show another nightmare. 

"I know what happened to him." 

I finally let go and let my mind show the next scene, but not before I get a clear view at the girl. She has green skin and is taller than me, and sports the same outfit I saw at the beginning of the vision. Her hair is indeed black and pink, and sheathed across her back are two long swords, both looking like they were not from Earth. My mind attempts to connect who she is, but I stop thinking about her completely as the next scene plays.

The moon is shining brightly as I walk through a small grassy area, the place covered in what look to be bodies. My heart aches for reasons I've yet to discover, and I feel myself fall to my knees. 

"No," I croak, my eyes filling with tears. "No, no!" Rage takes over and I stand abruptly before I begin to run across the area, tears flooding my sight as I try to look at each faceless body I pass. 

"He wasn't supposed to die, it was supposed to be me! You hear that?! Me!" 

I continue running, but just like at the beginning of my vision, I trip and fall, but stay down this time. I look behind me at the ruins, and scream for help, though somehow I know I won't receive it. I look back at my hands and hear myself whisper once more as tears escape my eyes when I close them.

"It was supposed to be me."

I expect to open my eyes to another scene, but I open my eyes to darkness. No sound, no light, just darkness. My mind begins to divulge in what I just saw, playing and replaying each worst-case scenario that comes with each vision. I'm still try to figure out the visions when I hear a faint voice in the back of my head. "Aveline," it calls, and I try to follow it. I begin to feel myself shake, but I'm not shaking– it's someone else shaking me. "Aveline!"

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