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"I don't know many details of how whatever's up there is set up, but I know the basics," Bradley starts. I keep my slight distance from him despite both of us accepting that we're on the same side, but if he's bothered by it, he doesn't show. His tone instantly becomes more confident as he begins to explain his plan, as if he's simply explaining an extraction plan to his group of guards instead of explaining a plan to escape a kidnapping.

"That clear tube behind you is going to shoot you up to the arena. They expected you up there a while ago, but there's no way they'll start it without you. No one can get in here from the door, and no one can come down through the tube, so we have some time and privacy to prepare.

"When you get into the arena, I don't know what you should expect. I'm pretty high up here, but only Ardyn and the developers really know what's happening up there. Maybe not even the developers. Ardyn doesn't share a whole lot."

"Sorry, who's Ardyn?" I interrupt quickly, not wanting to waste too much time.

"Oh, sorry, he's the owner of this whole place. He's new– his dad used to run it until he kicked the bucket. Kid showed no emotion, still doesn't, unless it's anger. If I had to guess he's just about your age: eighteen, maybe nineteen. Has the same piercing blue eyes that his dad did, and the color is supposed to match the lighting in this place. They're a... strange family, to say the least."

My mind instantly flashes to the boy who knocked me down right as I was about to escape. An unexplainable rage settles over me as I realize that I came face to face with my kidnapper and didn't even know it. My mouth settles into a straight line as I force out my thoughts.

"I think I've had the pleasure of meeting him," I say, and Bradley's face turns sympathetic. He goes to say something else, but I quickly cut him off. "What's the first step in this plan?"

Bradley doesn't look pleased at my attempt of changing the topic, but he understands that we have limited time. He nods his head as he continues on.

"Of course. The first step is the simplest: I'm going to have to knock you out."

I let out a small sigh as I respond. "I still don't see how this helps me."

He answers simply. "They can't question where you've been if you're passed out. Easiest way to make it seem convincing? Make it look like you were being uncooperative and your guards took a swing to shut you up. And they won't wait for you to wake up so they can question you; we've already wasted a lot of their time, and they won't want to wait longer.

"After you're sent into the arena and, hopefully, wake up before whatever is going to happen starts, I can't do anything to help you from the outside. You're completely on your own."

My hands start to shake when he says this, my nerves breaking through finally. You're completely on your own. I can't help but think of all the ways he's right, my mind taking me into dark places I had hoped not to go to. I take a few small breaths, trying to catch the air that seemed to suddenly disappear from my throat. Bradley sees my oncoming spiral and speaks up quickly, still staying a distance away from me.

"Hey, hey, you're going to be okay," he says. "Don't worry. You're going to get out of here, but this can only work if you stay in one piece, both physically and mentally, okay?"

I nod my head slightly, slowing my breathing down a little. After a moment, I make eye contact with him, and nod my head with more confidence. "Okay. You're right. I can do that."

"Okay, good." Bradley offers me a warm smile as he walks to the other side of the room, placing his hands on a small counter top.

When he does, a small white light illuminates the room around us, and a door slides open at his feet. He bends over and grabs a small vial, one that looks almost identical to the one I slid into my pocket before trying to escape. I realize I never checked if it was still there after my interrogation, and I quickly run a hand over my pockets. When I pat down my left back pocket, a feel a small bump where there shouldn't be one, and a wave of relief overcomes me. Bradley turns back around and walks back over to me, still holding the vial.

"It's a good thing we were busy today, or else you would've been busted. I know you have one of these," Bradley says as he holds out the vial in front of him, in case I wasn't aware what he was holding. I debate acting as if I don't know what he's talking about, but decide against it. We have too little time for lies.

I pull the small vial out of my back pocket, the writing reflecting the blue light of the room. I don't let it leave my hand, but I show it to Bradley.

"This?" I ask, and Bradley comes closer to read what the handwriting says. His eyes widen just as mine did when I first read it, and he looks up to me quickly.

"You have the revival serum." He doesn't ask this, instead cutting right to the chase. I nod my head, and he gently closes my hand around the vial. Pushing my hand back, he shakes his head quickly.

"You have to keep that safe. Even just a little of that could be enough to save your life. It says one dose, but really you only need a drop or two for most revivals. What you have could literally be the difference between life and death up there. Be careful with it." Bradley takes a small breath as I put the vial back into my pocket, closing his eyes for a short moment before continuing his plan. He extends his hand to me, placing the other small vial in my hand.

"I'm going to be honest with you. I have no clue what this does, but it was the only vial with anything in it. I can't read the writing in this lighting, so be careful with this one too. I wish I could give you a slight idea of what it is, but your guess is as good as mine. All I know is you're going to need all the help you can get up there, so even if I don't know if it'll help you, I want you to have it anyway.

"When you get up there, make sure you do just as I'm telling you now. What I know for sure is that there's going to be a bait of sorts in the center of everyone. They want it to be a bloodbath. If you guys don't kill each other, they'll find ways for you to die anyway. Whatever you do, don't run toward the center. You'll die before you can even try to make a difference. Trust me.

"After the initial fight, I can't help you. I don't know what's going to happen after that, but what I do know is they have profiles for all of you. Statistics. Bets. If they were going to put money on who gets out of here alive, you're pretty low the list. This comes at an advantage for you, though– just from what I've seen from you today, you'll definitely surprise them. They don't know who you are, who you're allies with, or what you can do. They're expecting you to attempt to do this all on your own, and listen to me when I say this: you'll never win on your own. You need allies. Make friends, and do it quick. The deadlier your allies are, the better chance of you staying alive. Go for the assassins. James Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, people like them. If you have them on your side, it's less of a chance they'll kill you, and you'll have them to help protect you. Even if none of you want to kill each other, there's more than just you up there. You have enemies at every angle."

I nod my head at all this information, trying to take in as much as possible. After a few seconds of silence, I make eye contact with him.

"Is there anything else I should know?" I ask him softly. I've begun to shake from nerves once again, though this time I keep my emotions under control.

"I've told you everything I know. Now we just hope to see if that's enough to keep you and your friends alive."

With this, I step toward him. I keep eye contact as I nod to him, signalling I'm ready to start the plan.

"Thank you, Bradley," I whisper as he lifts his arm.

"I wish you luck, Miss Ridley. Don't let me down."

I close my eyes as his fist hurtles toward my face, wishing a quick goodbye to the life I had before the nightmares begin.

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