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"Subject undergoing initiation phase one is Subject 19. Subject 19 has been recommended and approved for: Cryogenic Interrogation. Supervisor for this interrogation is Dr. Lasind. Interrogation will begin as soon as the subject is awake."

For a moment I'm feel dazed, and without thinking I try to bring a hand to my head to calm the pounding. My body shivers and I groan as I try to raise my hand again, this time my brain processing that it's not reaching my head. What's happening? I look down at my arms to find them strapped to the wall I'm leaned up against, and instantly my head clears and I remember the events of today. My eyes widen quickly and I try to look around, but I cannot see outside the cylinder I'm being held in. I try to move my legs to find that they're strapped down as well, and at this I open my mouth to shout but I'm cut off by a similar monotone voice to the one I heard in the first room.

"Subject 19 is awake. Cryogenic Interrogation will begin now. Time begun is 1:58 PM. Dr. Lasind has entered the interrogation room." 

The monotone voice cuts out, and I instantly become ready to attack anyone at a moments notice, though I don't see anyone approach. I begin to get paranoid but realize quickly that the reason I can't see anyone approaching is because I can't see anything at all– the cylinder is opaque, restricting my view to the 3-foot radius of space I have. I pull at my arms again, my claustrophobia acting up in the back of my mind, but find that they're still tightly attached to whatever wall I'm backed up against. Once more, I open my mouth to shout, but ultimately decide not to. If I'm going to be tied up, I don't want my captors to think I'm desperate.

I'm slowly losing my patience as the minutes pass. It's had to have been at least five minutes since the monotone voice declared that Subject 19 –which I've come to assume is me– had woken up and that the person conducting my interrogation had already entered the room, but I still haven't heard a single voice. I decide, since there's nothing better to do, to attempt to find a way out of the constraints I've been placed in until my interrogation actually begins. Might as well make my time waiting useful. As I begin shifting my arms and legs around, looking for a loose stitch or worn binding, I start to shiver. The cylinder I'm in has gotten noticeably colder since I've woken up, but I didn't realize it before. Slowly, my mind connects what the voice said earlier to something I hear Bucky and Steve talk occasionally– I'm supposedly in a Cryogenic Interrogation, and when Bucky was stored in Wakanda in very cold conditions, they called it cryo. The thought creates itself before my mind can even process it, and I shiver even more at the thought of it: Whoever captured me is going to try to interrogate me with the threat of freezing me to death.

With this, I try to find a way out of the binds with more intensity, the binds moving some under my thrashing. The cold continues to flood the cylinder and I feel the tips of my fingers growing stiff. Finally, I resort to pulling my weight completely off the wall, hoping to force the constraints off.

"Now, now, I don't think that would be a wise decision." I freeze, the delicate female voice surprising me. "You wouldn't want for it to get any colder in there, now would you?"

𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 | 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒍Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ