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"You're... you're Star-Lord?" Nat asks in a disbelieving tone as Steve collapses his shield, tossing the disk back to Bucky.

"Uh, ye-yeah I'm Star-Lord, why?" The man looks almost a bit offended at Nat's response.

"I just thought... never mind, it's not important," Nat says, laughing a bit to herself as she waves him off.

"So, Star-Lord, why are you here?" I have a lot of questions for the man, but I decide to go with the most relevant one first.

"First off, call me Quill. Second, I saw fire and people and thought that I should probably come this way if I wanted even a chance of surviving. That was until Captain America himself started yellin' at me, of course."

"Valid reason," Sam comments from the back, and I vaguely hear Bucky tell him to shut up.

"Alright, Quill. Next question: Do you know anyone else here?"

"Don't think so? I didn't really see anyone, the guard's smacked me up pretty good so I was passed out for a few minutes after the gates opened or something, I don't really know what happened."

"So you didn't see anyone?" Steve asks.

"Nope. You guys are the first people I've like, actually seen. I saw somethin' blue run by me earlier that kinda looked like a person, but I'm not really sure. I also saw this guy with some arrows getting out of a boat when I was about to get onto shore, but he booked it pretty quick."

"Clint's over here?" Nat asks, her tone a bit worried, but I can't tell if the worry is for us or for Clint.

"If that guy's name is Clint, then yeah, guess so."

"You didn't know that, Nat?" I ask gently, and her eyes whip to meet mine.

"You did?" Her head tilts and I almost brace myself for a scolding, but Pietro speaks up.

"I was going to tell you, Nat, but I figured since you were already under enough stress with everything that you didn't need to know about him yet," Pietro explains, his voice staying quiet. 

Nat's mouth thins into a line, and she takes a deep breath before speaking. "We'll talk about that later. But Quill, you didn't see anyone else? There's no one you might know?"

"I saw nothing. Sorry."

"What do you got for materials?" Bucky asks from the back, his hands supporting him as he leans back.

"Just the boat. Everything else was gone once I got there. Honestly surprised on how a boat was left out of all of the things, but I'm not arguin'. Whatever works, I guess."

"You're really trying to tell us that you don't have anything? You think we're gonna believe that?" Sam asks, his voice taking on the tone he spoke about Clint in.

"It matches up. I saw him earlier, he didn't have anything in the boat but himself," Pietro says, and Quill looks at him in confusion. "I'm the blue thing that ran by you," he explains quickly, and Quill nods slowly.

I walk a bit closer to Quill, and look at him closely. His hair is a bit of a mess and his suit is a bit torn around the ankles, but he still gives off a certain glow, one that reminds me of looking at an old photograph. I take a deep breath and hold eye contact with him, now only a few feet away.

"Can we trust you?" I ask him quietly, knowing that a few of the Avengers behind me won't be able to hear me.

"Yes." He answers right away, and I can see in his eyes that he's telling the truth. Something about the way he carries himself and speaks makes me want to trust him right away, though I know that I can't fall into a trap this easily. His eyes search mine for a more complete answer, one that tells him if he's welcome here or not, one that tells him if he's trusted or not, but I can't give him that complete answer quite yet. Instead, I simply nod and step back, returning to my spot near the fire. His eyes follow me, and when no one makes a move or asks him another question, I wave him over and invite him to sit next to me. He moves quickly, as if I'm going to take back my offer, and sits, taking to putting his hands near the fire almost instantly.

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