Chapter 3

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"You know, Red..." Buttercup started while putting on her clothes for her job. "The Rowdyruff boys... they've been bothering us two times in a row, huh?"

Blossom eyed her. "I guess, yeah." She sighed. "I'm not even surprised if they'll attack today. We really need to know where they live so we can end them once and for all."

That made Bubbles flinch slightly but no one noticed. "I don't know..." Buttercup thought. "Maybe we should try asking them why they're doing it?"

"Buttercup." Blossom stated. "They're villains. They don't do crimes for a reason. They do it because they want to."

"... like love?" Bubbles spoke and both of them looked at her as if she had gone mad. "I mean... when you love someone/something... you don't love them for a reason... you love them for who they are."

Blossom eyed her even more. "... what are you trying to say, Bubbles?" Blossom was angry. Was her sister mingling with one of the boys?!

Bubbles noticed the anger behind her calm voice. "I-- I mean... the Ruffs are doing crimes because they love it. Totally not... something else..." Bubbles looked down. Buttercup looked at Blossom to see her reaction. Blossom glared at Bubbles and after a while, her face calmed down. 

"Oh, come on. Let's go." Blossom sighed. "We still have a job."


"And remember," Blossom said, turning around to face them. "They're enemies. Not some kind of lovers."


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Sorry, Julie." Blossom apologized to Julie. "Can you cover for me? I have to go fight a crime."

"It's fine, Blossom. You're a hero."


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Mitch, I got to leave!"

"See ya later, Butters!"

"I told you to stop calling me that!" Buttercup chuckled, blushing a bit. She remembered Butch calling her that and got a bit angry. Calling her that, only Mitch should be able to call her that. She realized what she thought and shook that off. It's not like she likes Mitch or anything! Right?


Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Kristen?" Bubbles giggled, showing her phone. Kristen sighed.

"You can't continuously depend on me for this, Bubbles." Kristen scolded her. "But of course. The boys giving you trouble again?"



Blossom was already speeding towards Townsville Bank. Bubbles and Buttercup followed when they saw her. "They're holding up people in Townsville Bank." Blossom informed them and the other girls nodded. 

"I'll take the green one as usual." Buttercup stated. "We had a match yet to be finished." 

"Alright, I'll take the Red one on."


They both split even before they entered to confuse the trio. Brick was the first one to notice the Powerpuff Girls--

"Just Blossom?" He muttered but because Butch and Boomer had super hearing, they heard it. 

"What do you--"

Butch was punched into the bank walls by Buttercup and Boomer was kicked into the glass walls of the bank which broke both walls and them having to fight outside. 

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