Hot n' Cold

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Recently you've been getting a bit suspicious of your boyfriend Akise. He's been trying to get away from you in order to hang out with Yuki more.
So one day you decided to find out what was really going on.

"Akise you love me right?" You asked him before he left your house. He smiled and kissed your forehead, "Of course I do." He said before walking out of the house and to where him and Yuki meet.

That was your chance. You slyly followed your boyfriend to Yuki's house, making sure he would not see you. Once you saw Yuki's house in sight you hid somwhere where you watch from a distance. What you saw play out before your eyes made your heart shatter. Akise kissed Yuki on the lips right then and there. You widened your eyes and went up to Akise, "If you liked him so much why not just tell me huh!? I mean, you never were good enough for me anyways you two timing bitch!" You yelled out of anger and pain.
Akise widened his eyes at you and smirked, "Hm never thought of you as a stalker (Y/N)." He said snuggly.
You snickered and flipped him off before walking home. You put up the hoodie on your sweatshirt and started crying as you walked.
All of those kisses, reassurances he'd tell you, all the dates you went on flashed into your head as you ran back into your house.
You cried a bit more before calling up Yuno since you wanted some revenge. You sat down on the couch as you listened to the subtle phone rings. Once you heard her voice you spoke, "Hey, your boyfriend Yuki just k-kissed mine.." You said sadly. Yuno on the other hand was furious, "What!? Your now ex! I'd never let you date a scumbag like that! Now, I'm going to talk to them both soon. Bye (Y/N)!" She said quickly before hanging up.

That just left you and your thoughts, 'He said yes when he clearly meant no. His wrong ways compared to all his rights makes me feel up and then down'. You thought.

Akise's POV.

Did I mess up?
Should I have cheated...
I heard Yuno's voice coming from the doorway and instantly got worried since I was cuddling Yuki as we watched a movie.

To be continued...

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