Will They Ever Listen?

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Will They Ever Listen?
Hi my name is Dan, Talon, was a 20-year-old female, who was raped and murdered later on by the same man. She was my wife. No one ever took her premonitions seriously until after she died. And this is her story:


This is my December

This is my time of the year

This is my December

This is all so clear


*Flash to December 21st, 5 years prior, Ohio* (Talon's POV) I'm walking to my boyfriend's house from school. I am 16. If your wondering my name is Talon MaCleod, I have medium length red hair and black/brown eyes. My boyfriend's name is Dan Crow. No one really knows his real name because he is always called Crow or Snake. It's cold out. The month is December. Today was the last day of school for Christmas break. The snow is so thick and heavy; I can barely see his house at the end of the street. It's only a ten-minute walk on good days there from school but today it's terrible and I'm already a half hour late. I can see a shadowed figure in front of me. *Who is that? *, I think to myself as I draw closer to the figure. Oh well its no biggie. I walk on as I draw near the person I see he is someone that hangs around my school. I can't remember his name but oh well. I walk around him and turn the corner to Dan's. When I open his door I'm already cold and frozen from the long walk. I shed my coat, shoes and book-bag at the bottom of the steps and lock the door. I'm staying here for the weekend to take care of him because he got a cold from riding his motorcycle with out a coat in the snow and rain. Silly guy. I walk up the stairs and look for him. Strange no one is home. All the rooms are empty. I look in his room and then got up the attic stairs. There's no one up here either. I wonder where he and his roommates are and why the door was unlocked. I walk back down to his room, as I shut and lock the attic door a hand grabs me from behind. I can't move. The person is too strong and has my mouth covered. I look at the hands while I try to break free. They are too small to be Dan's or his roommate's hands either. I elbow the person in the gut and step on their toe. The attacker lets go long enough for me to grab Dan's collector sword. I turn around ready to defend myself when the man punches me in the face. I feel myself start to go numb and see blood on my hands. I can't move as I start to fall. The man grabs me and throws me to the bed. He ties my hands above my head then gags me. I realize that something just isn't right. What's going on, my mind shrieks. I suddenly realize too late what is about to happen. The man removes his pants and then removes my pants and lifts my shirt. I'm only covered by my under clothes. But then he removes my bra and underwear to. He's about to rape me I realized and I can't even fight back. I'm so dizzy but I still stay conscious. I watch him as he lies atop me licking at my body through the half-face mask. Then he takes his erection and pulling my legs apart rams into me hard. I feel my insides tear as he rams me again even harder. I feel sick as bile rises to my throat and mixes with the blood I've swallowed. Everything starts to spin and go black as I feel him come in me. He removes himself just as the door downstairs bangs open against the wall. "Talon! Where are you? Talon are you here?" It's Dan I hear his footsteps ascend the stairs and enter the adjoined bathroom. His door is shut so he does not see what is happening. But then it too bangs open. He is standing in the doorway and he looks pissed. I start to cry thinking he is mad at me and blames me for what has just happened. I hear fighting and glass breaking as I pass out. When I come to Dan is holding me, trying to dress me. The guy who had raped me jumped threw the window and ran. But it's snowing so hard you can't see any footprints. I cry as I see all the blood on Dan's blankets and floor. The pain I feel inside is even worse though. I try to speak but I feel dizzy again and pass out once more. When I came to again I was in the hospital. Dan was sleeping in a chair next to my hospital bed, holding my hand. There are also two officers in the room a male and a female. Officer Jones walks over to me and asks if I can give them any information. I look at him them at Officer Cross. They are both nice and remain quiet as I tell them all I remember. But I can't help but wonder if they can find the man with only a partial description. Officer Cross smiles at me and says, " We already had a rape kit done and have the man's semen and skin DNA. The skin DNA was retrieved from under your nails. As well as a blood sample from the broken window. Is there any one we can contact for you Miss MaCleod?" I look at her and feel so sad as I say, "I have only one person aside from Dan and that is my brother Fire. Our parents are dead. And he's with his girlfriend Becca in Texas visiting her father for Christmas." What can I do they are looking at me so strangely all of a sudden. But they leave as I lay back and pretend to be asleep. I can't sleep thought. I keep seeing him raping me again and again. I finally fall asleep at 3 am; Dan is still holding my hand in his sleep. I'm in a place that is dark and frightening. I look around and yell for Dan. But suddenly the guy who raped me is there and he is holding me down again, raping me again over and over. I'm so scared. I see Dan In the distance, and yell for him. But the guy punches me in the mouth then stands up and stabs both Dan and me. I wake up screaming for Dan and crying. He is awakened by my screams and holds me close as a nurse and doctor rush in. I know now that I will never be the same again. Ever! What in the world will I do?

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