Vampyre Lust

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Chapter 1: The meeting
Vampyre Lust

By: Patty Hillard

Feb. 6 2006

Have you ever sat in your room at night, staring out the window and wondered about what was out there roaming freely in the shadows? Have you ever saw something for a brief moment that left you wondering if maybe the legends about werewolves and vampires were true? Have you ever awakened in a cold sweat after dreaming that you were there beside such a creature? There are things out there that many think are just a myth, a legend. But there are those few who know, really know that those legends, those myths are true. And the few who know usually never live long enough to speak about it. Either they die or they are turned. Maybe you are one of those few who truly want to be turned, right? Maybe what you think to be a myth is true after all. Considering both Lycans and Vampyres are clever creatures. And they'd never let a human, or Homo sapiens, learn the truth, not without consequences that is.
I have always sat at night staring out my window, watching, and wondering if there was something more then just humans. Hoping that I may see or pick up the sound of some superior race. One night as I once again sat there at that window I cried as I had just lost the love of my life. Granted I am only 17 but love knows no age. I was downstairs earlier that night, and had just got into a major argument with my stepfather. I'll never understand why my mother married him. But as we argued he grabbed me and forcibly kissed me. I was so shocked that at first I stood still, when I realized what was happening I bit his lip, then ran upstairs and locked myself in my room. For a good hour he banged on my bedroom door, then finally he gave up. Around 10 o'clock my cell phone rang, I answered it to hear my mom's voice. "Honey, I have to work late we just had a young man brought in, seems he was the only survivor of a plane that crashed an hour ago. I'm sorry honey, I may not be home at all tonight." After she hung up my phone rang again. This time it was my boy friend's aunt. " Hello Ice? This is Dave's aunt Kallie. Honey can you come down to St. John's Hospital," she asked. "Sure what's wrong aunt K?" The next words out of her mouth froze me to the core. "Dave was in a plane crash. The doctor's said he may not make it through the night." Once those words left her mouth I hung up and cried. I quickly got on my coat and shoes then snuck out my bedroom window. My mom works at St. John's I wondered immediately if Dave was the boy she was working on.
As I entered the hospital ten minutes later, with a cop behind me making sure I was really coming here, I saw Dave's aunt. "Aunt K, where is he? Where's David?" The look she gave me told me all, but I wouldn't cry yet. She told me what room he was in and I walked in the room to tell him good-bye one last time. I kissed his eyes and forehead, and then whispered to him that I loved him. After I left the room aunt K came over to me. "I'm sorry Ice, he died right after I hung up with you. He was awake and then he was gone. I tried to call you but your phone just kept ringing. I'm so sorry, I know you loved him dearly." I paid her no attention; instead I went to look for my mother. When I found her I asked her one thing I needed to know. "Mom was the boy from the plane crash named Dave?" When she answered my question I nearly fainted. "Yes honey, he died nearly 10 minutes ago. I tried to save him, but he had so many internal injuries, it's amazing he even lived long enough to get here. Why? Did you know him honey?" I looked at her like she had grown another head. How could she forget that he was my boyfriend? I grew angry with her. "Yes mother I knew him! He was my boyfriend! How could you forget that?" With that said I left the hospital.

When I got home I parked my car in front of my neighbors house, so my step dad wouldn't know I was home. Then I climbed back up to my bedroom window. I laid in my bed and cried for at least an hour before I felt the need for fresh air. That is when I decided to sit at my bedroom window. I'm glad it has a window seat. As I sat there staring out the window I thought about how David and I had planned to get married next year after I turned 18. I was so lost in thought that I was startled back to reality when I saw a glimpse of someone who looked like Dave outside in the yard. I quickly opened my window and looked out it. But there was nothing there. So I climbed out of it and down to the lawn again. Looking around me I saw a wisp of a white shirt going around the corner to the back yard. I quickly ran after it. I continued following the person until I was lost in the woods behind my house. When I realized that I could no longer see the person, or the path through the woods I sighed. How ironic of me. I have walked in these woods everyday since I was three, yet now at 17 I get lost. And for what, I was following a ghost of my now dead boy friend. As I turned around I ran into something tall and hard. At first I though I had walked into a tree, but when I looked up I saw that same person I had been following. It wasn't David, I don't know who he is but before I get a chance to react I'm falling into unconsciousness. This is just great, I think before I pass out.

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