Wolverine's Story

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Wolverine's Story
And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now

I was scared to go home. I feared what would happen if I ever did. But eventually the night grew cold and I grew tired. And I decided to go home. I just wanted to stay there to touch her again just one last time. But I went home. I had to for her sake.


When all I can taste is your sweetness
And all I can breathe is your life
And sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

I missed her so bad. Tonight was even worse then any night before. It was our anniversary. And it was their anniversary. I missed them both so much.


And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I never wanted the world to see me. But she did. Her and my best friend Jubilee. They both saw threw my act. And grew to love the real me. They always understood. No one else ever did in my whole life. Not even Professor Xavier. I just wanted them to know who I am. And those two did. They loved me for me. We always talked everyday. We were happy. Until I showed them my past. Then they understood me completely.


And you can't fight the tears that ain't comin'
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
And you bleed just to know you're alive

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beginning of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Do you see that boy sitting there?" Wolverine says. "Yes. Who is he?" Rogue asks. "That's good. I'll tell you. See the headstones? The boy is crying. Why? Because that boy is me. And those headstones are the three most important people I know. Or knew that is", he replies. "Who are, were they Wolverine?" Jubilee asks suddenly after being quiet for over an hour. "Well Jubilee the two big headstones are my mother and father. And the small one with the rose engraving is my little sister Ivy Rose. She looked just like you. She was only 6 when she died. I was 15." Replied Logan. "Oh sugar I'm so sorry. What happened to them? Will you tell me Logan? Please?" "I'm sorry Rogue darling I can't." "Please Logan" pleaded Rogue and Jubilee. "Fine I was fifteen, we were driving down the road when a person ran into the middle of the road. My dad swerved to miss him but he jumped onto the car and started to tear off the roof of the car. He grabbed me and threw me out of it. Then proceeded to kill my family. His name is Victor Creed. But you know him as Saber tooth. He murdered them and kidnapped me. But I escaped and became what I am today. An X-man." Rogue stood in shock, as did Jubilee. Neither saying a word. Neither moving or breathing as they watched the projection. Until Jubilee started crying. And Rogue held her close trying to comfort her.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I never really understood why she cried that day. That is until she had told me what it was later that night. That night was the best night of my life.


And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beginning of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Logan went to his room to relax before he went to talk to Rogue. When a knock sounded on his bedroom door. "Come in" he growled, angry about being bothered. "Hey Wolverine. I need to talk to you." Came a small reply from the door. It was Jubilee. "Come in Jubilee. What is it?" He had asked her. "Well Wolverine. I had remembered something. And I need to ask. Did you have another sister? That was the same age as your sister Ivy?" How harmless a question but also how painful. "Yes Jubilee I did. They were twins. Why do you ask?" Logan replied as he tried to hide the hurt in his eyes. Because I remember that same incident you mentioned. Victor had taken me to Mystique. And she raised me for a while. But she then put me in an orphanage because my powers never showed up. She figured I was a normal human. All I could remember was my name Rose Ember. And my brother's name. Logan Wolf. Our last name I forgot. And that horrid face that belonged to Victor Creed. I swore that I would get my revenge. For my family, and my twin sister. But most of all for my brother Logan. My real birthday was on Aug 7 of 1984 and Rose's birthday was Aug 6 1984. She was born at 11:58 and I was born at 12:02." She finished by telling him her birthday. When she was done he cried. For he had just found out his best friend was also his long lost sister. "I have been looking for years. Finally I just figured that you had been killed too. I never knew."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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