Syaoran's Lost Hope

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Chapter 1: Default Chapter
Card Captor Sakura: Syaoran's Lost Hope :
By Rogue Achika MaCloud

I DO NOT own CCS or Hero but I do own this story. Please don't sue me I don't have any money anyways. I hope you enjoy! Rogue.

-Chapter 1 Hero-

"Would you dance if asked you to dance"

Sakura is at her high school dance. It's her Jr. Prom and she is just sitting there frowning. She looks around the room. Tomoyo is dancing with her fiancé Eriol Moon. Meiling is dancing with a guy who resembles Yue, whose name is Amethyst Star. And the one person she truly loves is no where to be found. She looks to her lap again, and listens to her favorite song humming the words along to it.

" Would you run and never look back"

She sighs a little and is about to get up when someone stops in front of her. She looks up at the familiar voice. "May I have this dance Sakura?" He asks. She blushes slightly and stands up to take his hand. "Li Syaoran, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Sakura asks. "Well if I told you then it would have ruined my surprise. Now wouldn't it?" She smiles and they go onto the dance floor to have a slow dance.

" Would you cry if you saw me crying

would you save my soul tonight"

Sakura has her head on Li's shoulder. And starts to daydream while they are dancing. Suddenly she sees Keroberos and Yue smiling at her. She stops dancing at looks directly at them. "K..Kero, Yue? are you doing here? I thought you were sealed in the Clow book forever, when I sealed the last card." She starts to walk toward them and yet they still don't answer her. Li looks over and sees that Kero and Yue are standing in the doorway. He starts to say hi when he feels a dark aura radiating from outside the gym.

" Would you tremble if I touched your lips"

Li's eyes widen in shock as he realizes that there is something wrong with Yue and Keroberos. He searches there aura but can not seem to find it. He takes out his raisen board and points it towards Kero the Yue. But nothing happens. 'They aren't real, it's a trap!' "Sakura! No! Don't go near them. They aren't real! It's a trap, Sakura!"

" Would you laugh oh please tell me this"

The music continues to play yet everyone has stopped moving aside from Amethyst, Meiling, Eriol, Tomoyo, Li, and Sakura. They look around the room. Sakura stops moving and shakes her head as if coming out of a trance. She looks around to see that almost everyone is frozen. " what happened? Why is everybody frozen? Where's Kero and Yue?" She looks to where the fake Kero and Yue are standing. "Li, why can't I feel their aura's?" Sakura says. Li looks to her then replies, "Because they are not real. They are a trick. I sense a evil aura outside. Get ready for battle." No sooner had he said those words the doors flew open to reveal two shadowed figures.

" Now would you die for the one you love"

Li narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?" The larger of the two shadows stepped forward. It laughed and grabbed Tomoyo by the arm yanking her from Eriol. And then said, "Come after me alone Card Captors or Tomoyo here will die! Hahaha!" And he fades away. The second, smaller shadow looks up to Sakura and whispers to her, "Mommy help me before he gets meaner." And disappears as well.

" Hold me in your arms tonight"

Sakura stares at the spot where her friend was, then runs out the door screaming.

" I can be your hero baby

I can kiss away the pain"

She did not stop to look at her surroundings until she reached her destination. 'Penguin Park. Why do they always go to Penguin park to fight?' she thought. She looked around for Tomoyo or Li and finally spotted Tomoyo sitting against the penguin slid.

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