InuYasha, Kagome, and Ikutsu?

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Chapter 1: Truths?
InuYasha, Kagome, and Ikutsu?

By: Patty Hillard

I do NOT own ANY of the InuYasha characters. But Ikutsu is mine as is the poem.

Ikutsu- pronounced E-cute-sue or EE-Koo-Tsoo. Ikutsu is a female version of Sesshomeru. But no one has ever seen or heard of her before. Who is she and where has she come from? When she meets Kagome something odd happens. They both stand to attack. How does Kagome know her? And why do they wish to fight each other? Only time will tell. So read on.

'I got to get out of here. I feel it, my one chance to escape is near.' I looked around the halls of the large castle and ran opposite of the direction I felt Naraku's aura in. I didn't get to run very far before I ran right into Kanna and Kagura. I took a fighting stance prepared to attack, but Kagura stopped me. "No, we are trying to escape from here as well. Come join us, well Naraku's busy with InuYasha and Sesshomeru." With that said Kagura ran off holding onto Kanna. I ran right behind her, sensing that the battle was almost over. I wanted out before the final strike was thrown. Just as we had all ran into the woods I turned to see a large white light explode around the castle.

When the light faded I felt it. Naraku was dead. He was finally defeated and I was free. I smiled and turned to Kagura. "Kagura what do you wish to do now that Naraku is dead and we are free? Do you still wish to seek out Sesshomeru?" I looked straight into her eyes when I asked her this. She gave me a pointed stare then shook her head, "No, I'm going to take Kanna and go to the Eastern lands. Sesshomeru refused to help me when I begged him to. So I'm going in search of Kouga and his tribe to make peace with them and raise Kanna on my own. She needs to live like a normal child." With that said she pulled out a feather and flew off on it towards the Eastern Lands.

As I watched them fly off I felt sad, but then I grew angry. 'How DARE she leave me here! She helped kill my family and our tribe. Now what shall I do?' I soon realized that someone was coming towards me. Upon feeling their aura I jumped into the nearest tree and shielded my presence. Looking down I saw InuYasha's female companion. She stood in the clearing and looked almost confused. Until I saw what she was looking at. Not three feet from where the clearing stops was InuYasha. He was in the middle of fighting with a wolf Youkai and another Inu Youkai. I watched as a small Kitsune Youkai jumped onto the girl's shoulder. And a Neko Youkai jumped onto the other shoulder meowing.

Soon others appeared. A Houshi appeared with a demon slayer. Three more Youkai wolves appeared, and a toad like Youkai appeared with a human girl on an Oni. I watched as they did, waiting to see who would win the battle. As we watched the human child and the female wolf Youkai ran to the three fighting. "Lord Sesshomeru, please stop fighting with your brother. Naraku is dead we can go home now. PLEASE!" I saw her tugging on his pant leg, as he stood ready to attack again. My attention then went to the female wolf, "Kouga! Stop fighting please we can finally return home. And rebuild our tribe. Let's go. Leave InuYasha and his brother be." I laughed at hearing this. She reminded me of my Okaa-san fighting with my Otou-san.

What I didn't realize was that I had laughed aloud. And that was my mistake. The female who traveled with InuYasha turned in my direction and shot an arrow at me. Before I had a chance to run it had struck me in the shoulder, knocking me from the tree. The last thing I saw before everything went black was a woman who looked familiar in front of me. "Okaa-San...but you are dead?" And then all was silent.

(Kagome's POV)

'What the hell.' I wanted to hit all three of them when I came upon InuYasha, Kouga, and Sesshomeru all fighting each other. What made me stop was the feeling that someone else was watching. I watched on as Sango, Miroku, and the others all joined us. I saw Aun land with Rin and Jaken on his back. And then saw Ayame, Ginta, and Hakkaku run up beside me. Shippo and Kirara each sat on one of my shoulders as the fight ensued. But when I saw Rin run into the fight and pull on Sesshomeru's leg begging the fighting to stop I grew scared. Ayame soon joined in and tried to get Kouga to stop. I was just about to yell sit at InuYasha when I heard a laugh from my left in the tree. Looking up I saw what appeared to be a female Inu Youkai. Loading an arrow I shot her in the shoulder, causing her to fall from the tree.

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