Broken (InuYasha)

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By. Patty Hillard

Disclaimer: I do not own the song Broken. Or the cast of InuYasha. But I do own this story. And the characters Rayne, Shippo Jr., and Sarah.

I sit hidden in the shadows of the forest, watching the girl I have come to love. She is such a free spirit. This girl is so pure of heart. And she never shows hatred towards any one but the enemy. But I can see that there is pain in her heart. The one who was to be her mate has betrayed her. Her friends are all badly injured, and she is left with two choices. I don't know which she will choose but I am hoping that she will stay here. I watch her jump into the old well and vanish.

I look at a picture of her I had found one day. She is laughing and smiling so brightly. I love the way she laughs. Her smiles could light up the room. And yet she doesn't seem to smile enough anymore. Now that the jewel is complete and has been purified, she is left to make a choice. Stay here in the feudal era. Or return to her time in future Japan. But she can only choose one. If she chooses to go back home she can never return to here again. But if she chooses to stay here, she will never get to see her family again. I do not wish for her to leave her clan but I want her to stay here.

It has been a few years since the jewel was completed. I have watched her go between era's several times now. On her latest return she was carrying many items. In her bags I could see ningen food, clothes, and other things I did not recognize. But I did recognize one thing she was close to making her choice.

(I wanted you to know,

That I love the way you laugh.

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away.

I keep your photograph I know it serves me well.

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain.

Because I'm broken, when I'm lonesome.

And I don't feel right, when you're gone away.

You've gone away, you don't feel me here anymore.)

It has been four years more since her last return. I watched her raise both the fox kit Shippo, and the human child Rin. They are both teenagers now, but she has not aged once. She should be in her twenties by now, but she still looks to be 15. But I continue to watch her as the years roll by. After two more years she is celebrating a mating between the human child Rin, and the fox kit Shippo. I watch her as the months roll by and her 'children' have pups of their own. But then the worst happens.

The pups are just able to eat on their own when a demon attacks looking for the jewel. It kills both the fox and human. But the pups managed to hide themselves. I watch her as she fires her arrows to kill the demon. Then she holds the hanyou pups close to her and cries for the family she lost. I follow her as she walks to the village. Once she gets there she seeks out Keade, the monk Miroku, and the demon slayer Sango. There she tells them of the attack on Shippo and his family. Once she finishes telling them she says the one thing that I've been waiting for, for so long.

"I am ready to rid this world of the sacred jewel. But I will not be staying in this time because when the jewel is gone I will be returned to my own time. But I love you all and I will miss you. I am taking Rayne, Shippo Jr., and Sarah with me." After she said that my heart fell. I will not get to see her again ever. But I don't want to let her go. As I think of a way to make her stay her voice breaks my thoughts.

(The worst is over now.

And we can breathe again.

I wanna hold you high and steal my pain away.

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