The Night He Can't Remember

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The Night He Can't Remember

POV "Talking" #flashback# (thought) Scene change

Everything takes me back to the night he can't remember, the events that led up to it, and what happened after.

It had been a cold night in October, the news said it might rain tonight but we didn't care. We continued on with our trip. Sides what's a little rain going to hurt anyways? After all we were all young and if anything we'd only get sick. At least that was what I though back then. We were going out after work with some friends to play pool. My sister, Tragady, her name is actually Prue, was in the car ahead of us with Misery and a few other friends.

I was in my boyfriend Steve's car with Cooter, Steve, and Hamilton. I called Mike's cell phone and he had it on speaker. We could hear everyone in the car ahead of us talking and vice-versa. "Hey Tragady, are you and Misery ever going to go out or do I get to see if Chad wants to get with you," I asked her. Misery is Mike and I'm Rae or Sheena, as my sister likes to call me. I love her dearly but sometimes she's just too quiet.

"Shut up Sheena, I'll get a boyfriend on my own in due time." Sadly that's been our usual argument since we got this job. She's seen me in so many bad relationships, that she wants me to be with someone who will take care of me, and I want the same for her. "Wait, what? Did you just say that you want Cooter to go out with Tragady? That'd be highly impossible. He wouldn't go out with her because he's too busy taking care of his son. Besides that Hun, did you not listen to her say she'll find a boyfriend on her own?" That would be Steve my boyfriend. He's Chad's best friend and not to mention one of the craziest people I know. "Thank you Girdy, see sis at least your boyfriend understands," she said.

The conversation carried on like that for over a half an hour. Until Chad, himself decided to shut my sister and me up. "Rae, will you please shut up? Your sister is a very pretty woman, but I have a bigger responsibility than dating. If I were to date your sister it'd be based on if my son likes her or not." That one little statement made everyone stop talking and grow silent. "Did...did I just hear him right? Or am I losing my mind? Rae did Cooter just say he'd go out with me?" She grew very quiet after that, then drove the rest of the way to the pool hall in silence.

While the others in the car continued talking. "Hey Mike, what's wrong you look pissed," was heard in the other car. "Shut up Gerrie. It's none o your business." Tragady kept looking over at Misery, because she felt bad. See she really liked both Misery and Cooter, but she also felt bad about that. No one really talked after that was said aside from a few jokes here and there.

When we finally got to the pool hall we all just stood there outside. I looked first at Chad then at Tragady. "Hey sis do you want us to leave you two alone to talk to each other? We could go get some tables set up. I'll play you first if you want?" She nodded at me, then the others and I went inside. What happened outside, I don't know, but I do know that it would change our lives forever.

Tragady's POV

I watched as Rae and the others went inside, then I looked at Chad. Reluctantly I finally spoke, "You don't have to go out with me. Rae was just trying to make sure that I'm with someone who wont' hurt me again. I'm sorry that it seems like you were pushed into going out with me. And I'd fully understand it if you said that you do not want to date me. But as I said before, I'm sorry Chad," I almost whispered the last part. I felt fear take over my heart, fear that I'd lose his friendship because of this. But what he said next shocked me.

"No, don't worry about it. I'm not mad at you, nor will I be. I can understand where Rae is getting off. I mean I've been there before. I've seen some bad relationships. Most people have. Just some of them won't admit it until it's too late." He reached over and lifted my chin to look at me. (Please don't notice I was crying, please!) I look up at as he brushes the tears off my cheek and starts talking again.

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