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"Who gives a pregnant women Salmon?" Maria laughs while Peggy jumps up and down screaming "I won I won!" John looked down in shame. He started singing the tone of why you gotta be so rude. Later that night they watched "Them"... Maria didn't think the scare would be good for the baby so she decided to go home. Peggy and John originally sat on opposite sides of the couch but once Maria left the sat next to each other. " Them " turned out to be horrible so they watched "lenderwomen" Peggy screamed at one point and John quickly rapped his arm around her.. Getting butter all over her shirt. "John! Eliza got me this, there is no telling how much this cost!" Peggy said freaking out "Eliza? Who's that?" John said obliviously "Eliza Schuyler, Angelica Schuylers sister, Alexanders wife" Peggy says "Ohh Liza" John says. Peggy laughs and by the end of the movie as fallen asleep on Johns chest.

Next morning//

"Morning Marge" John said with a smile looking over the couch "I'm made breakfast Margaritas" "No Margarita is as fierce as me" Peggy said smiling "why did your parents decide to name you Margarita anyway?" John said "The Van Ressler are big on Alcohol" Peggy replied, John laughed, "Never in my life did I think I'd be in love with alcohol" John turned red after her realized what he said "Well I mean, Margaritas are good but in my year of d- Wait JOHN!" Peggy said louder than attended "That sounded a lot better in my head" John laughed Peggy smiled "It was still pretty smooth" She smiled and motion for her to sit next to him "Come, I still want my breakfast" She tell whispered as he walked over and handed her the drink he had mixed that morning "Here you go" He said and smiled "Thank you" Peggy said as she took a sip and then spilled it all over herself.  "Pegs" John said "what happ- oh" He said looking at her shirt he turned away "I have some shirts upstairs" he said and then turned around and gasped Peggy looked at him "What?" She said forgetting she had taken off her soaking wet shirt and was just sitting there in her bra and jeans "oh" She said covering herself with a pillow "I'll go get that shirt " John said bright red in the face he walked through the kitchen to his bedroom and got her a shirt Peggy put it on,  thanked him and went home.

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