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"Martha I-" John stopped,  "You are not Martha" He looked confused. There was a little girl who resembled John being held by a young lady "I'm Martha's sister,  who are you?" The women glared at Peggy.  Peggy in response walked behind John "I'm John,  I'm a old friend of Martha's,  and this is my girlfriend,  Peggy" Peggy smiled and waved then retreated back behind John "I'm Macy,  come on in,  Martha's in the living room.  This is Frances, Martha's daughter" She said and put the toddler down.  Peggy and John stepped inside the house and the toddler looked up at John "Youra youra auhauh bug men" The toddler smiled and John laughed.  Macy led John and Peggy to the living room and then went to cook, Peggy immediately went to help.  Minutes later Martha walked into the living room "What in the world are you doing here Laurens" She was mad "I came to explain myself" John said "You did enough explaining when you cheated on me then left to go upstate" She yelled and the toddler came running in "Mama wook" She held up a drawing that depicted Frances and Martha with a dark male figure.  Martha ripped it out of her daughters hand and shoved it in Johns face "You see this Laurens,  this is what you did to your daughter,  you left her with a void for a father figure." She screamed and tears dripped down John's face.  "What did you want me to do Martha!  I still pay child support!  I left because I knew I wronged you and I couldn't bare to see you in such pain" He screamed back and the toddler ran to him "Dada?" She said curiously Martha leapt to her daughter and John "John,  John I missed you John" She said and kissed him "Martha,  I missed you but-" He paused "But what?" She asked "I'm here with my girlfriend,  she's the one who convinced me to come here" Martha started crying again and sat on another couch "Supper" Macy hollered.  Peggy wisked Frances off the ground and walked to Macy,  Peggy insisted they eat outside and Macy's compiled.   Back inside things weren't as great "You- how could you!" Martha screamed through her tears "Martha,  I'm aloud to move on from a loveless relationship!" He said,  harshly but quieter.  "You didn't-" Martha stopped crying for a second "Martha,  I was in a relationship,  and we were drunk when Frances was convinced!  Did you honestly expect me to be in love with you! " He got louder and she cried "Well I loved you" She said and threw a pillow at him "Maybe I don't love you Martha,  but I love my daughter and I want to fill that void" He said.  He didn't get a response "Fine. You can come down here for 3 times a year and stay.  But no Peggy" She said,  her tone softening.  John feel to his knees "thank you,  thank you so much" He said.  A few moments of silence past before Martha spoke up again "But I want you to leave" She said.

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