Chapter 9: My girlfriend and our son

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"Little one, when you play, pay no heed what they say." I sing softly as I continue rocking back in forth in the rocking chair whilst feeding Noah.

"Let your eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine."

He's been a bit fussy today, never quite comfortable or relaxed and as hard as I tried to figure out why he's like this, I came to no conclusion.

"If they knew all about you, they'd end up loving you, too. All those same people who scold you, what they'd give just for the right to hold you."

I asked Amy what she thought about it, and she assured me that nothing was wrong and that Noah might just be having an off day. Taking up on her words I decided to try and make him feel a little better, he took a nice warm bath and got a little massage whilst he was getting all lathered up in his lotion. Now he's eating and should be falling asleep right when he finishes.

"From your head down to your toes, you're not much, goodness knows. But, you're so precious to me, sweet as can be, baby of mine." I finish lifting my hand to caress his little cheek as he gazes up at me with his sparkling blue eyes, which I swear get lighter everyday.

He finishes within a few minutes and I burp him before laying him on my chest and continue to rock him so he falls asleep. He passes out rather quickly making me smile and stand up, I gently put him in his crib and turn on the baby monitor before slipping downstairs where Amy is watching Tv.

"Mrs. Matthews?" I call making her turn to face me. "Maya I've already told you so many times to call me Amy" she reminds me making me bite my lip, "Sorry" I apologise making her chuckle, "It's okay dear, but you're family and you don't need to be so formal around me" she assures me making me smile.

"Of course" I agree. "Could you maybe keep an ear out for Noah whilst I quickly take a shower?" I ask making her nod, "Absolutely dear, you go take care of yourself" I hand her the monitor and quickly thank her before going back upstairs to my room.

I open the door and sigh when I look around the mess that is my bedroom. I haven't exactly cleaned it ever since Noah came so maybe today's the day I actually be productive and clean. I hop in the shower and finish within ten minutes, not wanting to waste too much time. I get dressed and get the monitor from Amy, I place it on my nightstand and grab every water bottle I have scattered around the room downstairs to the kitchen.


I walk into the apartment after a long day of work and expect to see Maya in the living room binge watching her favourite series but the couch is empty and the Tv is turned off. I shrug my jacket off and step out of my shoes before wandering upstairs to our bedroom.

I slowly push the door open and find Maya fast asleep whilst snuggling Pumpkin next to her. My heart flutters seeing the both of them together and a smile pulls at my lips. I glance around the room and furrow my brows when I notice that she cleaned the room, we have new bed sheets, our laundry is put away, and everything is back into place.

No wonder she's so exhausted. I decide to let her get some rest and start making some dinner since my mom left for Philly this afternoon. I glance around the cupboards to see what I can make and once my eyes land on the packet of uncooked pasta I decide to make some spaghetti since its quick, easy and yummy.

I'm currently cooking the meat for the sauce when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I glance up from the stove and see Maya walking towards me with Noah in her arms. "Hey baby" I greet her as she smiles brightly, "Hi" she quips walking around the counter to join me. I lower the fire on the stove before wrapping my arms around Maya's waist and pulling her closer to me. "Whatever you're making smells amazing" she admits looking up at me with her bright blue eyes. "It's just spaghetti" I shrug.

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