Chapter 18: Not again

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"Okay what's going on?" Riley asks shifting her body so she's facing me. I furrow my brows trying to act like something wasn't bothering me although that was such an understatement. "What are you talking about?" I question but the brunette rolls her eyes and drops her pen before talking.

"Its been 2 hours since you've been here and you haven't said a word" she points out "When you don't talk that's when I know you're hiding something big, so what's going on?" She asks again and I groan in annoyance. I hated the fact that she knew me so well and could read me like an open book. It made it impossible to hide things from her, especially when the things you are hiding are cruticial.

I was hoping to get some work done with her and spend some time with her since I haven't been able to exactly spend quality time with my best friend in a while. Not to mention that Josh also insisted that I get out of the house a little as well as away from Noah to get some fresh air. So he stayed home with our baby to give me a bit of freedom, I am only seventeen after all.

"Fine" I sigh admiting defeat, I needed someone to talk to anyways and who better than my best friend who I trust the most. "Um" I bite my lip trying to figure out how to explain what's going on. "You know Josh and I are" I trail off waving my hands around trying to avoid saying the word sex, since I am talking about her uncle.

"Active, yes" she nods as my eyes lock with hers "I'm late" I whisper as her eyes instantly widen to the size of saucers and her lips part in shock. I bite my lip staring at my friend nervously.

"What? How?" She asks searching my eyes for answers. "We've been careful every single time, so it-it doesn't make sense but I-I'm late" I stutter as I get overwhelmed. It was one of the things I feared when I decided to be active with Josh again. I couldn't risk getting pregnant again yet here I was.

"Did you take a test?" Riley asks but I shake my head, "I-I was too scared too" i admit "Riles what if I'm pregnant again?" I question as tears build up in my eyes, "I-I can't go through that again, I-I can't" I shake my head before being pulled into a tight hug.

"It's okay Maya" she assures me, rubbing my back comfortably, "Everything's going to be alright no matter what happens" she pulls away from me and wipes my tears. "How about you take a test to see if you are pregnant or not and depending on the result we'll deal with it, okay?" I nod and take a shaky breath.

"Okay" I whisper leaning forward to grab my bag. "I actually have one here" I admit pulling out a pregnancy test out of my bag. "Great, I'll be right here for you no matter what" I smile and stand up. "Thanks Riles" she nods and we both saunter to the bathroom, I go in whilst she waits outside.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, before opening the box and following the instructions. I remember doing this a year ago, I was scared out of my mind about what would happened and I prayed for it to be negative. Although now it's a whole different scenario, I just gave birth a few months ago, having another baby would be way too much for Josh and I who are both way too young. We can barely make a living for the three of us, bringing another child into this world would be irresponsible.

I place the test on the counter and wash my hands before opening the bathroom door and letting Riley in. "Breathe Maya it's going to be alright" she assures me as she notices how stressed I am. "Riles if it's positive there's no way I could handle it, Noah's not even one, Josh and I can't even support for ourselves" I ramble gripping my hair as I start to pace around the small bathroom.

"By the time you give birth, Noah's already going to be one and we'll help you Maya" I chuckle and shake my head, "My parents are going to kill me" I laugh nervously right as the timer on my phone rings. My heart drops and I shut my phone off before looking at Riley.

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