Chapter 32: Mama

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A/n: it's crazy how much the word count increased from the first book to this one. Chapters in Too Young were about 1,200 words and this book has 3,000 and over 😱 wow! Enjoy this 4,809 word long chapter. Comment if you like these long chapters or if you prefer them short.

"Its mama's birthday, its mama's birthday!" I chant whilst getting Noah ready in his I heart mommy outfit. If you didn't realise it yet, it's Maya's birthday! The love of my life is turning 18 today, wow she's finally an adult.

If you sit down and think about it, it's weird to think that Maya is already a mother to our adorable 6 month old son, she's moved in with me and she's only turning eighteen today. A few years back I though about this day so much and had amazing plans on how I would make this day so special, but some of these plans had to go down the drain as soon as she told me she was pregnant.

I'm not sad about these plans being cancelled, Pumpkin is the best thing that happened to the both of us and I wouldn't ever change a thing. Anyways these plan kind of happened throughout the years, I gave her a promise ring and she moved in with me. Life couldn't be better.

Although I still have something amazing planned for today and I really hope she is going to like it. It's her first birthday as a mom so I'm going to try and make the best of it. I had to wake up super early to get Noah all dressed up and ready for the day before the blonde wakes up and let me tell you this, ever since she became a mom she became an early riser, something I thought Maya would never became. The blonde loves her sleep, I used to drag her out of bed and now she's always awake before I am.

"You're going to be a good boy for mama today aren't you?" I question as I pick him up and start heading downstairs. "Well you always are" I realise before letting out a soft chuckle "But today you're gonna be even more" I kiss his cheek and smile at everyone awake and doing their task I had set them.

They were all excited for Maya's birthday, almost as much as me and were thrilled to participate into making today an amazing and special day. "Are the balloons done?" I question walking past my niece who's tying one of her balloons. I had asked them all to fill a bunch of balloons in helium that I would then scatter in Maya and I's bedroom to surprise her this morning.

"Yeah, this is the last one" she answers "Perfect" I grin. "Mom how's breakfast?" I ask heading to the kitchen where my mom is making Maya's favourite breakfast with the help of Topanga and Katie is making my girlfriend a tiny breakfast chocolate cake. "Its ready" she smiles quickly glancing up at me before focusing back on what seems to be cleaning.

"Kids how's the table?" I question turning to see if the dinning table is set and I'm pleased to find it decorated with a bunch of colours. "Its done" Auggie says proudly "We did most of the work" Ava says motioning to Everleigh an herself. Auggie gasps turning to face them, "Not true" he argues crossing his arms across his chest. "Yes true" Evs insists making me chuckle.

"Alright it doesn't matter, you all did amazing" I compliment.

"Are we ready?" I question glancing at everyone. They all nod "Awesome grab some balloons and let's head up, but remember she's a freaking light sleeper so be quiet" I remind them. I lead them upstairs and slowly open the door to Maya and I's bedroom. I smile seeing her still fast asleep, I motion for everyone to rush in and go hide somewhere inside the room leaving their balloons scatters around our large bedroom.

Once everyone is hiding, I place Noah on top of Maya and open our curtains a little more to let more light. I walk back to my bed and stifle a laugh when Noah is reaching for Maya's face, I sit next to them and watch as Maya wraps her arms around Noah, "Is that a Pumpkin on top of me?" she asks, her voice raspy from just waking up and her eyes still closed. I shrug "Why don't you open your eyes to see" I suggest causing her to flutter her eyes open after a few seconds but quickly shut them. "Damn its bright" I chuckle "Sorry" I apologise moving in the way of the sunlight to make some shade, her eyes flutter back open revealing those breathtaking ocean blue eyes of hers. She turns to look at her son and a bright smile pulls at her lips, "Morning baby boy" she gushes moving to sit up and that's when she sees the balloons scattered everywhere. 

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