Chapter 21: Misunderstanding?

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School has been quite a rough adjustment, for me at least. I spend most of my day in a building with annoying teenagers and teachers rambling and putting more pressure and stress on us than needed. I get around less than 5 hours to spend with both Noah and Josh, 5 days in a week. It annoyed me more than you could imagine, I miss being home everyday with my son, watching him grow and figure out new things and having lunch with Josh like a family.

Not to mention it seemed like that Liv girl seemed to have taken up on replacing me. She practically sat at my seat in all my lessons, I felt like an absolute bitch telling her that it was my seat and she could just find another one but she said she understood.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair trying to figure out a perfect way to word my English essay. Due to me being able to speak Spanish fluently I only attended one class each week and those classes mostly involved weekly tests or exams. So hear I am in the library trying to finish my homework so I can spend more time with Noah and Josh when I get home, that is if Josh doesn't have work to do as well.

"Hey" I look up from my paper and find Olive leaning against a chair across from me. "Hi" I quip watching her tuck her hair behind her ear, "Do you mind if I sit?" She asks curiously. I shake my head making her smile and take a seat.

"Aren't you suppose to be in Spanish?" I ask slightly confused, she chuckles and shakes her head, "My dad is Spanish, I already know how to speak it" she explains whilst taking out her books and pencil case.

"What about you?" She asks, I shrug "The neighbourhood I grew up in mostly spoke Spanish so I grew up learning the language" she raises her brows in surprise "Wow" she breathe out making me smile.

We each carry on with our work quietly until she speaks up again. "Hey Maya" I hum in response not moving my gaze away from the sentence I was writing. "How's your baby?" She asks curiously instantly catching my attention, I put my pen down and lift my gaze to meet hers. "He's good" I answer vaguely but even with my simple response her eyes widen just slightly, "He? You had a boy?" Did Zay not tell her?

"Yeah" I answer making her smile, "How cute". I nod and look back down at my paper, showing her that I'm not really in the mood to talk but she asks me another question. "So are you going to the party on Friday?" I shake my head looking back at her, she furrows her brows and pouts. "Why not? You know you can bring your boyfriend or whoever the father of the baby is, I don't actually know if you're seeing anybody or if you hang out with the dad of your son" she rambles making me frown.

"First of all, I do have a boyfriend and he is the father of my son. Second of all I'm not going because if I'm honest I'd rather spent time with my son than getting drunk with my friends, I already don't get enough time to spend with him on weekdays so I'm not wasting one of my nights" I explain making her bite her lip.

"Isn't it kinda sad?" She questions making my brows knot together. "I mean having a baby at seventeen must suck. You can't go to parties anymore, you're responsible for everything he does, taking care of him everyday, not having one single day off. What a pain" I vigorously shake my head. "From someone speaking with experience, it's one of the best things that happened to me, that little boy showed and taught me so much about this world that most students here will only learn in what their late 20s, 30s, 40s even".

She rolls her eyes making me get slightly frustrated, she had no say into what it was like to be a young mother, she had no experience whatsoever. "He was an accident, how could he be the best thing that has ever happened to you? He practically ruined your life, you're stuck for eighteen years, if I was you I would've gotten an abortion" her words are enough to fuel me up.

I abruptly stand up slamming my hands on the table causing everyone to glance at me, some looked annoyed and other surprised. "Even if he was, he is the best thing in my life and I would do absolutely anything for him. I don't know who you are or what you want but the next time you speak to me about my life decisions will be the last time you speak" I snap taking her aback.

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