Chapter 51: Grocery shocker

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"Why are you so hyper?" I ask with a giggle watching my son practically do a parkour around the couch, climbing on top of Josh and I. "He sure looks like he's in a good mood" my mom laughs as she walk around us to head to the kitchen. We came over along with the Matthews to not only have breakfast together as a family but to discuss what Josh and I were planning on doing for Noah's birthday which is only a week away. Only a freaking week!

 Only a freaking week!

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I still can't wrap my head around the fact that my baby boy was born almost a year ago

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I still can't wrap my head around the fact that my baby boy was born almost a year ago. It doesn't feel like a year. In a way I feel like I've been a mom forever but I haven't had Noah that long ago.

We kind of came to a conclusion and now everyone is just doing different things around the house. Auggie and Evs are playing in Everleigh's room. Riley left after breakfast because she had college things to get done and the parents are chatting in the dinning room whilst Josh and I settled on the couch with our hyper son.

After that terrible day with Noah a few days ago, we made sure to talk about everything, setting some rules and just working things out. It's been pretty calm lately which is nice. We're finally settling down and realising how things are going to be. I can happily say that we're on the same page. We're a happy family for now and I hope nothing changes.

"Ow that's my boob" I groan removing Noah's foot from my chest. "Can't you just stay calm and cuddle daddy or me?" I ask with a soft laugh as he tries to climb over Josh.

"Jeez what did you eat man?"

"I think he's just happy" Josh smiles tickling Noah. "Really? He looks like he drank a redbull or something" Josh rolls his eyes playfully.

"He slept well, ate well now he has a bunch of energy to waste" he shrugs. "I don't know how I'm gonna survive when he turns 2. We're gonna die Josh. His terrible two's are gonna kill us" he chuckles "You're mom survived with you so I'm pretty sure we'll be fine with Pumpkin."

"What does that mean?" I ask pretending to be offended.

"It means I had to deal with you being that hyper for 16 years and still made it out alive!" My mom yells from the other room. I roll my eyes, a smile pulling at my lips.

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